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YouTube Private Vs Unlisted- Know the Difference

YouTube Private Vs Unlisted- Know the Difference

YouTube is one of the effective social media platforms to showcase our video skills. This social media platform allows you to post different types of your favorite videos. But sometimes, you don’t want the entire world to see your videos. It is when you need to go to either the private or to the unlisted. To know the difference between YouTube Private Vs Unlisted, first determine the level of security for your videos.

It depends on you whether you limit your videos to only friends and family or the public. Wanna share links with prospective customers or your friends? We have unpacked a lot of questions in this article.

What is  YouTube Public Video?

This Public setting is built-in in YouTube for all videos. Whether you want to showcase your video to everyone and see your videos in Google search results, then it is your perfect choice.

What is YouTube Private Video?

YouTube private video is a very secure type. People whom you invite can see only your videos. Here, you can allow up to 50 people in total. You should know that this type of video is not available in video tab sections, search results, video recommendations, etc.

Besides, your invitees are unable to share it with other people. In addition, someone can’t see your video despite having your link unless they have the invite.

What is YouTube Unlisted Video?

The unlisted video setting is a cross between private and public. These appear in search results, subscriber feeds, suggestions, and user video tabs. However, in this case, people are capable of seeing and sharing your video.

It is a basic gist of private vs unlisted YouTube. We have given here advantages of these videos.

Advantages of Making Private Video:

Are your videos very personal? Do you have any secret company projects? Then, this YouTube private setting is ideal.

We have given here a few advantages.

  • Sharing Videos With Loved Ones: Do your relatives live far away? If yes, then this option will be a perfect forum to share special moments more personally.
  • Private Video Library: Everyone has some personal collections such as art, comic books, or records. These are very essential to them. Videos are also one of the important collections.
  • Storing Company Information: If you are a businessman and want to share videos with your employees, it will be a great strategy. This mode doesn’t allow your competitors to see them.
  • Saves Storage Space: People who want to store plenty of their videos should use this setting.
  • Online Video Portfolio: Wanna start up your company? Then, you can showcase your work through these videos. Here, you can present your resume and video portfolio to potential clients or employers in free storage. Nowadays, it has become very common to have an online video resume. If you’re a videographer, then this video Setting is an excellent option. Thus, you can keep unwanted comments away from appearing and stop any personal issues.

Advantages of Making Unlisted Video:

Wanna share videos with a large group? But you may not prefer your videos to appear in search results. In this case, YouTube unlisted is a perfect option.

The benefits of the unlisted videos are as follows:-

  • Perfect for Co-Worker Feedback: If your company has more than 50 employees, you should use this setting.
  • Sharing a Portfolio With Employers: You can share your video resume with over one job prospect through these videos.
  • Field Testing a Potential Public Video: It is perfect for storing reviews and positive comments from a small group. In case you find bad reviews, then enter the delete option.
  • Cleaning YouTube Page: It helps to set up your page and remove old embarrassing videos. However, by changing videos to unlisted, you are capable of deleting the visibility from your channel.
  • Availability: Whether these are on a playlist, these can appear publicly.

Advantages of Making Public Video:

  • Generally, people will prefer to subscribe to any channel if it has a significant following. For business purposes, it is perfect to have a big subscriber count.
  • It helps to generate brand awareness.
  • These can be monetized and are capable of proving to be profitable.
  • Whether your videos have good performance, then you can become famous.

Drawbacks of Public Video:

We have given here a few disadvantages of public video.

  • These attract trolls.
  • Sometimes, videos can be compromising or controversial. If it happens to you, then it can imperil your future job prospects.
  • Anyone is capable of finding videos. Therefore, if they want, they can leave an online mark even after your deletion.

How to Modify Privacy Settings:

The process of modifying privacy settings is as follows:

When you upload videos to YouTube, first, your task is to log into your YouTube account. Then, you should look for the camera icon. It is available at the top right corner.

As soon as the Upload page appears, a key will be available that you have to hit to select files. YouTube says that the video remains private till you choose to set them up.

You should follow the normal process of uploading the video. During this, in the last screen, you can see an option to change the privacy settings.

Select options just save or publish the video. Then, you can see their options—

Private, unlisted, or public with their description and details.

This social media platform comes with a Scheduled feature. It enables you to keep your videos private for a while. After that, these will get published automatically at a specific date.

How to Change Video Privacy Settings: 

For PC:

  • If you are using a computer, you should first login to YouTube Studio.
  • After that, your job is to navigate to the left menu and choose the Content option.
  • Now, you should select the video that you are willing to update. If you want to see the live uploads, choose the Live tab option.
  • Next, you have to hit the down arrow option that is available under “Visibility.” After that, select any of the options— Public, Private, or Unlisted. Save it at last.

For Android:

  • First, your job is to log in to the YouTube app available on your Android device.
  • Next, your task is to hit the Library option and then tap on the option Your videos.
  • After that, you should hit the More More option, which you prefer. Now, hit the Edit option.
  • After that, you need to hit the Privacy setting option. Select any of these options— Public, Private, and Unlisted.
  • Then, tap on the back option and hit the SAVE button available at the top.

For iPhone & iPad:

  • Log in to the app on the iPhone and iPad first.
  • Now, follow the similar method that you have done for Android.

When Should You Make Your Video Private? 

These are three famous situations when you must need a private video setting.

Only For Family Purposes:

Do you live far away from your family? Have you got a holiday to share with your family? The private setting is perfect in this case. It allows you to share high-quality videos with them easily. No people can see the clips. Besides, your family members don’t need to download the video before seeing it.

Only For Company Members: 

Generally, through videos, you can share a lot of information in the shortest time. As a result, plenty of companies and organizations benefit from the video. You can share a guide of training new members, company’s policy, or update the company’s strategies through videos.

These are especially for merely internal circulation. That’s why we consider the private mode always as the best resolution for this situation. Thus, you can reduce the chances of leaking your contents.

Helpful For Applying For Jobs Or Attracting New Clients:

A few years ago, many candidates preferred to use video resumes, and it became the trend. This quality makes them unique in the list of dozens, hundreds, or thousands of applicants. Giving your CV to the recruitment team through this mode will save their time a lot. Besides, they must be impressed by your creativity and profession.

People who will get the invitation of the uploader can see the content only. Hence, HR will see your resume. They just need to tap on the link and can see the resume without downloading anything.

Videographers can also get benefits, but they should not make all videos public. There will be an issue for the author also that is related to copyright. If you have any sensitive topic, it can cause multiple negative feedback from strangers. It is when people are willing to use private videos. As soon as you post your private video, you can share it with potential clients directly.

When Should You Make Your Video Unlisted?

This type of video is a mixture of both Public video and private video. These appear in the search result, uploader’s channel, or the subscriber newsfeed. People who have links to these videos can easily watch them. Moreover, people treat this type of video like public ones.  For instance, if the content is improper or violates the copyrighted audio and video policy, YouTube will flag your videos.

Here, we have given a few situations when you require to use Unlisted videos.

Videos Posted On Your Website:

People who are running a blog or website must use the feature. It is constructive while you are going to make your content exclusive. When you switch your videos to the unlisted ones, these become invisible on Google and YouTube. Thus, you merely have to visit the web to watch your videos. It helps to increase the traffic amount on your page significantly.

Deleting Videos from Your Channel:

Plenty of people started to use this social media platform very early. Therefore, as you grow up, some videos may seem embarrassing to you while you mature. As a result, you want to remove them immediately. When you make your videos unlisted, these become invisible on your YouTube channels. But people who have links to the video can see them.

While Doing Surveys Before Publicizing:

When you upload videos, you will be glad to see the increase in the rate of positive feedback in your video’s comment. Users can share the videos in advance to them who they want.

Besides, they can see the reaction of people while switching to the public one. Thus, when you are going to publicize, you can know the method of dealing with the feedback from your viewers professionally. In this process, viewers will get better impressions about your channel. In this process, you can share clips and music with your fans quickly.

Publish Video At A Suitable Time:

People working as social media marketers have to publish their posts at the right time. Thus only, they can get attention from the crowd. It may be a few times in a day or a few days in weeks. However, you may feel confused waiting for that time. Rather than doing this, you should upload your video in unlisted mode. Then, you can schedule your time for publicizing.

Users can get two choices to schedule time for their video. These will be directly from YouTube or any other platform for social media distribution.

Many of us are familiar with social media platforms like YouTube. But we are still aware of this feature.

When Should You Make Your Video Public?

People can see Unlisted videos & playlists and share them. You should know that these won’t appear in the Videos tab of your channel homepage. No one can see it in YouTube’s search results until anyone adds your video to a public playlist.

How to Upload an Unlisted YouTube Video:

Wanna share your video with a large group of people? Willing to deliver “early access” to your newsletter subscribers? Then, you can upload your video as unlisted. It is a handy way to share online. If you want, you can set the video to public at a later date.

Here, we have given a method of uploading an unlisted video to YouTube.

  • First, your task is to sign in to the YouTube Studio. If you want, you can set up the channel you have.
  • Now, tap on the create option that is available at the top right. Then, your job is to tap on the Upload videos option.
  • Next, you should keep your videos in the upload videos box. You can select the files also by tapping on the select files button.
  • After that, your task is to fill out the video details. Then, you can add video elements as you want.
  • Choose the option “Unlisted” after that that is available under the visibility tab.
  • Now, your job is to tap on the Save button to publish your unlisted YouTube video.
  • At last, copy the link and then share it.

How to Unlist a YouTube Video:

Wanna clean up your YouTube channel? Want to delete some videos from your channel? If it is the case, then the best option is to unlist your video. Thus, you can easily keep the external links to your channel from websites. People sharing your videos help you to grow with more engaged viewers. The reason is that your current niche-related videos are the ones only that are suggested to them.

The process of Unlisting a video on YouTube is as follows:

  • First, sign in to YouTube Studio.
  • After that, your task is to choose your preferred content from the menu available on the left.
  • Navigate to the video now that you are willing to unlist. Tap on the public/private option that you can see under the visibility column. Hence, it relies on the visibility it had before.
  • As soon as you see the list of options, you are required to choose the option “Unlisted.”
  • After that, your job is to tap on the Publish option to save your video as unlisted.


If you want to make many videos unlisted at a time, then follow this method.

  • First, sign in to YouTube Studio.
  • Then, choose the content you want for your video from the menu on the left.
  • Now, you are required to select every video that you want to unlist from the checkbox on the left. Choose the checkbox that is available at the top. You need to use the check box to select all videos on the current screen. There are many rows 10, 30, or 50. It relies on the number of rows. As soon as you tap on the checkbox at the top, you can choose all videos. Using the “Select all” option, you can easily make it done.
  • After choosing the videos you want to unlist, your job is to select the edit dropdown menu. After that, you have to hit the option “Visibility.”
  • Choose the option “Unlisted,” which is available in the following dropdown menu.
  • Now, tap on the “Update Videos” key for saving your changes. This update may consume a couple of minutes. But it relies on the number of videos you are going to update.

How to Upload a Private YouTube Video:

Uploading videos to this platform is a simple way to share a large video file. While uploading, you should set the mode as private. You can send them to colleagues for training, to family and friends.

The process of uploading a private YouTube video is as follows:

  • First, your task is to sign into YouTube Studio. You can set up your channel also.
  • Then, tap on the option Creates that is available at the top right. Then, tap on the
  • Upload videos option.
  • Now, your job is to keep your videos in the upload videos box. If you want, you can tap on the select files key to select the files.
  • After that, you are capable of filling out the video details. However, you should know that in this case, the video elements are not available. Therefore, you should skip the step.
  • Choose the “Private” option that is available under the visibility tab.
  • Whether you are willing to share it with anyone, then do it under the share privately option. You merely need to put their Google email addresses. Then, choose the option ‘notify by email.’ When you complete saving your video file, they will get notifications.
  • At last, your task is to tap on the save option for publishing your private YouTube video.

How to Share a Private YouTube Video:

As you know the difference between YouTube private vs unlisted, now see how you share the videos.

You are required to follow step by step to know the process of sharing a private YouTube video.

Step 1. First, your task is to log into your YouTube account. After signing in, tap on the profile picture available in the right corner of the page.

Step 2. Now, your job is to select the YouTube Studio to get its interface. After that, you should click on the Videos option. Now, you can view the uploaded videos listed here, like private videos and unlisted videos.

Step 3. As soon as you find the target video, tap on the title. It will help you to view the details of the video.

Step 4. Tap on the three dots available beside the Save button. After that, your job is to choose the share Privately option from the dropdown list.

Step 5.  At last, you are required to enter the email addresses of those whom you are willing to share. Save the changes that you want to make. To do this, return to YouTube Studio. You should know that in this case, a maximum of 50 email addresses can be entered.

How to Watch Private YouTube videos:

You can watch from the received email from the uploader. Go to the email and open it. Then, you can see the iconic YouTube red box that has three white horizontal dots. As soon as you tap on the link, the YouTube video will be available in a separate window.

How to Watch Unlisted YouTube videos:

For watching these videos, you need to navigate to the mail. Tap on the link available on the received mail. If you require the link only, then copy and paste the URL. After that, you can send the mail to other people.

Ensure that you share these videos only with trustworthy people who will get benefits from them.

YouTube Unlisted VS Private:

If you have an Unlisted YouTube video, it doesn’t appear in search results such as related videos, recommendations, and Subscriber feed. No one can see it on your channel. When you upload your video, it makes a URL link. Then, it helps to change the setting as Unlisted. People who are aware of the link are capable of visiting and watching the unlisted video.

It is not mandatory to have Google accounts. Therefore, while you are willing to share the video with someone, you must send the link only. Whether your video has some sensitive information, YouTube video Private is a better option in unlisted vs Private YouTube comparison.

Private videos are quite different. These don’t appear in search results, channels, related videos, recommendations, and Subscriber feed.  Invitees are capable of seeing the videos only. People who are willing to see a private video must have an active Google account. After that, they can get the invitation from the video uploader. An uploader can allow up to 50 users to view his private content.

Which One Should You Choose:

Private ones are the most secure type. You cannot download a private video which is one of the differences in the private vs. unlisted YouTube chart.


While you are on the web, protecting privacy is very essential. YouTube private and unlisted settings have a barrier from the public. Whether you want to secure your videos, then YouTube videos private is the best option. However, it does not completely depend on the level of security you want.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  •  Is unlisted safe on YouTube?

People who are larger, more security-conscious businesses and have a huge amount of sensitive info must not use Unlisted YouTube videos. The reason is that you are unable to control your intended viewer in sharing your URL with someone.

  • Can subscribers see private videos?

People who are invited by the uploader can view these videos. These are not available in any search results. As a subscriber, you won’t get any notification while a private video is uploaded.

  • Can an unlisted YouTube video be embedded?

Users can set the videos to “unlisted” rather than making them “private.” Thus, they can restrict them from showing up on your channel or any search results. However, if you have the link to the video, then you can view it. Besides, you are capable of embedding the video also on any site.


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How to Delete Win Log Files in windows 10

How to Delete Win Log Files in windows 10

If you are a Windows user, you will find a lot of unnecessary documents and folders available in Windows. There are plenty of hidden caches, old junks that take up space. You can delete them from your Operating System, but it may be challenging. This blog post is all about ‘How to Delete Win Log Files in windows 10’ for the File Edge Readers.

If you are willing to free up disk space, then you can remove Win log files in Windows 10. Here, we have given a lot of ways through which you can remove the log files.

What do you mean by Win Log Files in Windows 10?

Windows always store a record of the operation you are doing on it. It saves the records in the directory to its log files. We know the log files as Win log files also. Generally, the files can be found by navigating to the path – C:\Windows\System32\winevt or C:\Windows\System32\config. However, it relies on the windows version.

The files can consume huge disk space of your hard drive and may have large sizes. If you are willing to free up the disk space, it is essential to remove them from your computer or laptop.

Location in Windows 10:

Users can find these log files easily in Windows 10. But as a user, you should know the location of the event viewer default path and the event logs. If you know the location, it becomes very beneficial when you are going to resolve the problem or clear the Windows log files.

You should know that two folders are there, and it relies on the Windows version you are using.

You can go to the folder of:-


In case it doesn’t work, you should then navigate to the folder location given there:-


You need to ensure that the %windir% you are using is the directory of your PC’s Operating System.

What Does The Event Log Store? 

Users can access the event log with the help of Windows Event Viewer. It was invented in 1993. Those who are administrators are capable of using this to view actions in five categories that are as follows: application, security, setup, System, and forwarded events.

If you cannot perform the steps completely, the error codes with recently installed updates will display. If you are an Admin, you can access installed apps, Office notifications like “Want to save your changes to x.docx?”.

This windows event log doesn’t keep too many personal details like the text from web pages or documents, mouse clicks’ records, desktop screenshots, etc. However‌, these should not fall into the wrong hands as they can use these to attack.

You should remove these log files for maintenance purposes. Thus, you can free up hard drive space. In case you find the event log cleared, it may be someone else who is hiding something. This article will let you know how to remove a Windows log file using both the Event Viewer program and an Event Viewer command in PowerShell.

How to Delete Win Log Files in windows 10:

The event log of windows is capable of offering an entire record of a user’s activity. If someone accesses the event log file, they will know about your private information. That’s why if you are willing to keep your privacy protected, you are required to remove the event log daily on your computer or laptop. Users should do this thing regularly to clear the Windows event log. Let me explain How to Delete Win Log Files in windows 10.

  1. Delete Event log:

Multiple ways are there to remove event log files with the help of the Windows native interface and a third-party tool.

  •  Removing the Event logs:

The event log may store an in-depth record of your activity on the windows. As a result, if anyone attains the log file, they may know about your activity. It is possible to remove the event log from your OS’s interface directly. Users can use the Command Prompt to remove the event log. This method of removing the event logs through the Windows native interface.

  • First of all, your task is to access the Event Viewer window. If you are willing to do, then you should open the Run prompt. After that, you should give the “eventvwr.msc” command to launch.
  • You should tap on the Windows and X buttons on the keyboard together. It will help you to get a quick access menu. Choose the option “Event Viewer,” and then you should open the Window.
  • After that, you can launch the Event Viewer interface. You are capable of accessing the event logs and editing these as per your requirements.
  • Next, you can access most logs available under the “Windows Log” section. It is available on the left panel. If you’re willing to free up any log, choose the option and then tap on that. Now, you should select the “Clear Log” option.
  • If you are willing to remove application logs, you should choose the “Application” option and tap on that. You can see there all the options. Tap on the “Clear Log” option.
  • If you are willing, you are capable of removing the Windows event log selectively. Choose the event log type by going to the left panel to clear it. After that, you can access the log you prefer to remove from the right panel. Then, you should select the “Clear Log” option from the list.
  • As soon as you choose “System” from the left panel, you must make a selection on the right side. Then, you should select the “Clear Log” action to eliminate the event log.
  • When you finish completing the selection, a pop-up message appears in front of you. It allows you to remove the logs or clear them after saving them.
  • Finally, you should make the final selection and wait for some moments. It is because Windows will remove the event log from it.

Depending on the windows version, the correct technique and interface vary. You are capable of storing the documents again after performing a recovery operation. If a user wants to permanently remove the event log files except for any recovery scope, use a third-party data eraser tool.

  • Remove Windows Event Log Entirely:

When you go through the instructions, you are capable of removing the Windows event log. If you cannot remove the files permanently, you will require a reliable data eraser tool. You can use the Data Eraser tool to delete your information completely within seconds. This tool comes with a simple-to-use interface. You can remove internet activities, system traces, and apps, event logs, etc. We have given here a few features of the tool.

  • Stellar BitRase is very useful if you are willing to delete the various types of system traces.
  • Using the tool, you are capable of freeing up unused and empty space.
  • This tool supports almost all windows versions.
  • Users can use the tool for removing internet activities, data files, app data, etc.
  • As soon as you complete the method successfully, it will offer a deletion certificate.
  • The tool features various types of algorithms that you are capable of selecting from its settings.
  • It doesn’t give any recovery scope and helps to remove your data permanently.
  • Stellar BitRase comes with a scheduler that allows you to remove your data automatically.

1: First, your task is to download this tool on the Windows PC. After that, you are required to launch the tool.

2: Tap on the option “System Traces,” After that, you should access the significant features from the right panel.

3: You should then scroll the page down to look for the option of “Windows Event Log.”

4: Your task is to choose the option. Then, hit the “Erase Now” button for deleting the Windows event log. Thus, you are capable of erasing your event log files quickly from the Operating System.

With the help of BitRaser, you are capable of deleting the event log except for creating an issue. You merely have to tap on the option once, and the Windows event log will be removed permanently.

You are not required to wait anymore as the tool is here to help you. It helps to protect your privacy. You are capable of removing almost all system traces and Windows event logs from their interactive interface. The tool becomes useful for multiple occasions to keep your privacy protected.

  1. Using the GUI:

Users can move to the Settings of the Event Viewer GUI easily. Use GUI whether you are not willing to work with command-line tools. You need to go through the steps for launching the event viewer. It will help you to remove the event log.

  • First, your task is to navigate to a Run dialog and open it.
  • After that, you should select the option eventvwr.msc. Next, you should tap on these Ctrl + Shift + Enter buttons at the same time. You should have admin rights while launching the Event Viewer tool.
  • Then, your job is to tap on the small arrow option to expand the folders by going to the leftmost pane. You will get the option available next to the folder.
  • When you navigate to the list of entries, you should choose the entry option from the middle pane. Then, your task is to tap on the Clear Log, which you can see from the Action section in the rightmost pane.
  • The shift button can be used to choose various types of entries in the middle pane.
  • You are required to repeat all the steps for all entries. The method may look quite long, but it is very easy to navigate through.

Delete Saved Console.log:

Every console file comes with a function of recording recent activities. We don’t give importance to these because of their small size. As a result, the error remains. You should occasionally check the log files to offer the solutions.

  • First, navigate to the Event Viewer and launch it.
  • Then, your job is to go to the File option available in the menu and then move to the Options. It shows you the disk space available in the file and the area consumed by the saved files.
  • After that, you are required to tap on the Disk Cleanup option and then navigate to the Delete Files.
  • Finally, you should tap on the Exit option and then tap the OK button.
  1. Use PowerShell:

If you are willing to use a very strong command-line tool, then use it for removing the log files. You should just go through the steps that are:

  • First, your task is to navigate to the PowerShell and open it after that as an admin.
  • To do this, move to the Start menu first. If you still have not exchanged PowerShell with CMD, you must navigate to the WinX menu.
  • After that, your task is to write the command given and then hit the Enter button:

wevtutil el | Foreach-Object {wevtutil cl “$_”}


  • Once you write the command, it will remove almost all the event logs available in your Windows 10.
  1. Use Windows Disk Cleanup:

  • Hence, you should first tap on the option This PC. After that, you should choose the option Properties.
  • Navigate to the General tab after that and then tap on the Disk Cleanup option. As soon as you tap on the option, it will begin to calculate the volume of temporary files needed to be deleted.
  • Then, you should choose all the items, such as System archived Windows error reporting.
  • Finally, you are required to tap on the OK key.

How to Do Disk Cleanup:

Windows Update Cleanup: You should delete this as it removes the old copies of Windows Update files. Users can remove them easily, but it is essential to troubleshoot if they run into update-related issues.

Windows Upgrade Log Files: Windows keeps the data files for troubleshooting problems around installations. Whether you don’t encounter any Windows up-gradation issues, you should remove them.

Language Resource Files: Whether you have downloaded another language or keyboard layout, you can delete it.

Recycle Bin: The process of deletion is similar to the Recycle Bin. Ensure that there doesn’t exist anything inside it.

Temporary Files: Users don’t use temporary files for long periods. Therefore, deleting these won’t cause any effect.

These are the things you are capable of removing from Windows 10.

  1. The Hibernation File:

Location: C:\hiberfil.sys

This mode is similar to the sleep mode. In this case, the System stores all the openwork and saves it to the storage drive. After that, you should close the operating System. It is possible to erase the battery from the PC and keep the PC on hibernation mode. After that, you are required to begin the backup and then start from where you left off. The hibernation file consumes plenty of gigabytes, but it relies on the hard drive size.

Users can take help of the command prompt in case they don’t prefer to use hibernation and disable it. Ensure that you are not removing the hiberfil.sys only as your windows are capable of making it again.

You should then tap on the Start key or hit the Win + X buttons. After that, you are required to navigate to the resulting menu and open Windows PowerShell (Admin) window or a Command Prompt (Admin). Hence, you should write the command for turning off the hibernation:

powercfg.exe /hibernate off

It is all the things you need to do to turn off hibernation. Your windows will remove the hiberfil.sys. You should know that turning off the hibernate mode will stop the PC and won’t allow using fast startup.

  1. Windows Temp Folder:

Location: C:\Windows\Temp

These temporary files are required only when in initial use. The folders and files keep the details of the windows used at one time.

Navigate to the folder despite removing it with the help of Disk Cleanup. Then, you should erase the contents necessary. To do this, you must tap Ctrl + A buttons to choose all the options inside it. After that, you should tap on the Delete option. You can encounter some errors in your windows. Hence, you are merely required to remove everything else.

  1. The Recycle Bin:

Location: shell:RecycleBinFolder

It is a folder available below the C:\ drive. Users don’t have to access the drive. While users remove any files, Windows send them to this folder. It is storage where all the removed files are kept. When you erase them from that place, then these will be deleted permanently. If you want, you can restore the deleted files again.

The folder is available as a shortcut on the desktop of your laptop or computer. Therefore, it is simple to access. However, if you won’t find this, you should write shell:RecycleBinFolder into the navigation bar of File Explorer. After entering into the recycle bin, you can find all the things deleted instantly.

When you are going to erase them, you should tap on the individual items. Here, you should tap on the Delete option to remove them permanently. You can select the Restore option to get the file back to its real place. There are buttons available on the top of Ribbon’s Recycle Bin Tools tab. These help to clear the folder at a time and store the files again.

Tap on the Recycle Bin properties for tweaking through which the folder works. Hence, you are capable of changing the maximum bin size. If you want, you have to select the option Don’t move files to the Recycle Bin.

If you tap on the option, your Windows will skip the bin and erase items permanently. However, it is not recommended to use it to restore any file deleted mistakenly from the recycle bin. You can use the Display delete confirmation dialog, but you require an additional file to use this.

  1. Downloaded Program Files:

Location: C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files

You may find the name of the folder a little bit confusing. The function of the folder is to hold files that Internet Explorer’s ActiveX controls and Java applets use. However, people who are using a similar feature are not required to download the file twice.

But it has become useless nowadays. You should know that ActiveX has become old & outdated technology. It is full of security holes and compatible with Internet Explorer only. It can be seen only on ancient corporate websites recently.

Generally, people are not using IE anymore. The folder containing Downloaded Program Files may be empty. You can remove the contents easily, so don’t hesitate.

  1. Rempl Folder:

Location: C:\Program Files\rempl

The folder doesn’t come in a big size. Therefore, while you see this on the Operating System, you may be surprised. It contains multiple small files. There are some Task Manager methods also connected to it.

It has a connection to Windows 10 update delivery. This folder contains “reliability improvements” that help to perform Windows 10 updates easily.

  1. Use Command Prompt:

With the help of the Windows command-line utility tool, users are capable of doing any task. We can take the help of the command prompt for removing the event viewer in Windows 10. Users can use this for removing individual log files. If necessary, you can remove the entire event log.

We have given here a few steps following which you are capable of removing all Windows log files.

  • First, your task is to navigate to the elevated command prompt and open it then. To do this, you need to navigate to the Windows search context menu. If you want, you can go to the Run dialog. Use hence Ctrl + Shift + Enter buttons to open the command prompt with the admin.
  • With the help of the change directory command, you should navigate to the event viewer default path.

cd %windir%\system32\config

  • Write this command for removing all the win log files. Then, you should hit the Enter button.

del *.log /a /s /q /f


  • As soon as you do this, the .log extension files will no more available on your PC.
  1. Erase Single Log Files Taking Help of Command Line:

You can even erase the log files of individual files. Go through the commands that needed to be entered.

Step 1: Hence, your task is to move to another command prompt with admin and open it then.

Step 2: You should now list all the log files. To do this, first, you should type the command given below. After typing, you should tap on the Enter button.

.wevtutil el

Step 3: You can see there is a list available on display. People who are willing to remove the required log file need to write the following command. After that, you should hit the Enter button.

wevtutil cl <name of the log>

As soon as you do this, it will help you to remove the required log from the Event Viewer file.

  1. Create A Command File for Removing Log Files Automatically:

If you are trying the latest experimental features, it may happen that you have made plenty of win log files on the this case, you should know the process of erasing the log files in Windows 10 automatically.

Make a .cmd file to make the process automated. You should go through the steps for making this command file.

  • First, you should go to a text editor such as Notepad or MS visual code. Open it after that.
  • Then, your job is to write the code and perform copy & paste in the editor.

@echo off

FOR /F “tokens=1,2*” %%V IN (‘bcdedit’) DO SET adminTest=%%V

IF (%adminTest%)==(Access) goto noAdmin

for /F “tokens=*” %%G in (‘wevtutil.exe el’) DO (call :do_clear “%%G”)


echo Event Logs have been cleared! ^<press any key^>

goto theEnd


echo clearing %1

wevtutil.exe cl %1

goto :eof


echo You must run this script as an Administrator!

echo ^<press any key^>



  • Use the extension command prompt file to save the command name in any place you want.


  • After that, your task is to run the command file as administrator. To do this, you need to select the right option from the right-click context menu.
  • Here, a command prompt window will open in front of you. Then, all the log files are removed automatically.

You should run the file as admin for removing event log files.

  1. Use CCleaner to Clear Log Files:

People who are using the drive-maintenance program CCleaner can scan the files. You are capable of removing the files except by downloading a dedicated log cleaner program. Hence, you need to open the tool as you normally do. As soon as you open the “Cleaner” menu, your job is to hit the “Windows” tab. Then, you should scroll down the page. After that, you must tap on the check box marked as the “Windows Log Files” option. Next, you should choose the option “Run Cleaner.” When the tool recognizes the system for those files you can remove, tap on the key again. It will help you to erase the Windows log files along with other chosen files. You are required to ensure the deletion of the log files, but it relies on the configuration process of the CCleaner installation.

  1. Use Third-Party App for Erasing Log Files Windows 10:

Plenty of third-party cleaner apps are there, which you can use to remove temporary files and other junk files. In this case, you are capable of using an app to erase the event log files.

Along with the most famous tool CCleaner, you can use BitRaser For File. CCleaner helps to clear up all junk files on the PC for free. BitRaser For File is a powerful file deletion software that you can use here.

How Can You View Windows Log Files?

The method of viewing the Windows log files is as follows:

First, your job is to tap on the Start button on the Taskbar of your PC.

After that, your job is to tap on the All Programs option.

Next, you should tap the Accessories menu item.

Now, you should hit the option WordPad application.

After doing this, you will see a new Wordpad window.

Hence, you should tap on the File menu option.

Then, you have to hit the option Open menu item.

Finally, your job is to move to the log file that you prefer. Then, you are required to hit the Open button.

Final Words:

In this article, you must have learned How to Delete Win Log Files in windows 10. Whether you are willing to remove log files, the methods given here are perfect. We hope you will find these easy to apply. Select any one of these first and perform after that accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can you remove CBS log files?

You should first remove all existing log files in \Windows\Temp directory. After that, your task is to prevent The Windows Module Installer services. Then, you should remove the \Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log file. Hence, you are required to begin the Windows Module Installer service. It helps you to recreate the CBS.log.

  • Is it safe for removing the Windows upgrade log files?

If you want, you are capable of erasing the Windows Upgrade Log Files. But for this, your job is to solve the error if you cannot complete the up-gradation process successfully. When you choose the disk cleanup software, you should tap on the OK button to erase the documents. As soon as you tap on the Cleanup System Files, it will help you to erase more junk files.


  • Can you remove event log files?

Now, you are capable of removing event log files easily from your Operating System. Just take the help of online tools to remove the files and the event log without making any issues. Thus, you can remove the event log files permanently just with one tap. You only have to erase the Windows event log along with the system traces from the interface, while using online tools.

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AppsInternet Security

How to Block Voicemail in Your Smartphone

How to Block Voicemail in Your Smartphone

Voicemail usually depends on the carrier services. You can’t block it by using your smartphone as there exists no way to block unknown calls until you disable it on your carrier line. Want to know how to block voicemail? If yes, then go through our article. It is beneficial for both iPhone and Android users.

How to Block voicemail Calls on iPhones

Do you use an iPhone 8 or upgraded version of it? Then, follow these steps to know how to block voicemail calls on the iPhone.

  • First, go to the Recent Calls tab that you can get in your Phone app.
  • After opening the app, you have to click on the “i” icon. It is available on the right side of the number. Then, find the number that you want to block.
  • If the number exists in your contact list, tap on the contact details. Then, open the page of that particular contact.
  • After opening the contact page, you need to scroll the page down.
  • At last, click on the Block option to block the caller.

But this process has two disadvantages. Those are:-

  • Spammers use the same number very rarely. They use the area code and three-digit prefix where you live. It is known as the “neighborhood spoofing” technique. By using this process, they call you from different numbers. You are unable to block most of the spam calls.
  • The notification of calls will go to voicemail, although these are blocked by you.

How to Block voicemail on Android Phones

If you are an Android user, then you will get a built-in call blocking system in your Phone. It is similar to the system of the iPhone. Here, you only need to tap on the number of your call log. And then, you have to tap on the ‘Block’ or ‘Report’ option. But Android Phones have two drawbacks, like Apple iPhones.

Android smartphones can detect the unknown number automatically. And with the help of the in-built system, it can block the spam calls. As a result, the spam callers can’t call you further. It is a default feature in your Phone. In case, it is not set as default, you need to go to the settings option first. Then, go to the Caller ID & spam option. While doing the method, you need to check whether both the Caller ID & spam and Filter spam call options are toggled on or not.

Nowadays, Google Pixel phones contain a new feature that permits Google Assistant to answer unknown numbers or spam calls. Therefore, thou can decide whether you will receive the call or hang it up.

Google Assistant usually picks up the call. As it doesn’t hang up the call, therefore the call is not sent to voicemail.

How to block voicemail by using Spam Blocking Apps

Multiple apps are available in the Apple App Store and Google Play. These apps help to let you know how to block voicemail.You can use the apps to block the calls. But while installing the apps, you need to make sure that you are giving full access to your phone, texts, contacts to them. It will increase the risk of misuse of your Phone. These apps can block the unknown calls easily but don’t prevent the calls from going to voicemail.

Use Google Voice to block: 

It is a nice way to block spam calls and prevent them from going to voicemail. When you use this process, you need to convert first Google Voice as your primary number. And then, you have to stop using your old number. Then, you need to use voice to block known spam calls. There are three ways to block calls.

  • You can send calls to voicemails.
  • Treat the call as spam calls.
  • You can block the number.

Here, the main disadvantage is that the Google voice number is the main number. But you can’t make sure that the spam callers won’t call you further or not. Even they can call you using the local codes of your area.

Extreme Call Blocker: 

You can use this app also for blocking calls, but you need to pay for this. It is available on Google Play Store. With the help of this app, your Phone can reject the spam call or unknown call. And it doesn’t allow the caller to leave a voicemail. This app has two options: ‘Hang-up no voicemail’ and ‘Allow call no voicemail.’ In the first one, when the spam callers call you, your phone will go into vibration mode. Here, you won’t get any notification also. And in the second one, your phone won’t ring too. But the difference is that here you will get a missed call alert. The caller can hear the ring in both cases. And after some time, the call will end.

Call Voicemail Blocker: 

This app is available in the Google Playstore. It contains a feature that hangs-up the call of blocked numbers. Therefore, the calls don’t go to voicemail.

Call Control Call Blocker: 

It has three options to block the unknown numbers— Disconnect, Ignore, and Send to Voicemail. Besides, Call Control Call blocker app also contains a Do Not Disturb option.

No More Voicemail: 

No More Voicemail app can help you in this case. It is an app that offers you free use. The main work of the app is to forward the call to another number. All the main carriers— AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint are included with it. As soon as thou download and install the app, you need to activate the number.

Contact your carrier: 

The easiest solution is to take help from your carrier service. You can disable the voicemail from them. However, it is not the final solution. It is because sometimes you can’t attend an important call. For this, the caller needs to text you; otherwise, you will not be able to know about the important message. AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, and T-Mobile charges are some carrier blocking services that can help you in this case. Carrier has the technical ability to detect the origin of the spam call and prevent the blocked calls by going to voicemails.

Conclusion: This article will let you know how to block voicemail on Android phones and iPhones. Besides, you will also learn about some apps that help you to block the spam calls.

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Internet Security

How to Find Hidden Spyware on Android

How to Find Hidden Spyware on Android

Android; Most friendly and highly used OS across the world. The Android operating system is custom-built and easy to use. Above all, it sounds difficult that people can directly spy on you, using your device through various sources. Nowadays, people have trust issues and lack of patience. It is becoming quite common, to Keep an eye on Each other. In this article, you will know about; How to find hidden Spyware on Android.

What is Spyware?

If you are eager to read the nature of mobile threats and want to know; How to find hidden Spyware on Android. It’s likely; you might be aware of hidden spyware apps on Android. These apps can steal data on your device, or any password. Moreover, using your phone’s microphone, it can even record and submit conversations.

Therefore,it is important to understand how to find hidden Spyware on Android; it can be an easy task. Once you have the proper knowledge about these questions. In this post, let’s discuss some ultimate ways to check out:

How Spyware is hidden in Android?

A spyware app can get hide in your phone, using several tricks. While using your Android keeps a watch on its activity. it may send you:

  1. It can enter your android device through calls.
  2. Through sending you messages
  3. Using your mail, it can get hide in your device.
  4. If someone knows your account password.

How to find the hidden Spyware on Android?

A wide range of spy apps is available to monitor anyone. It is easy to install, Spyware in any device, and know how to find hidden Spyware on Android.

Once installed, they can easily track your activities.

If you want to avoid Spyware, have a look at the given points. These points might be helpful for you.

In case you are one of the victims of Spyware. These are some of the most common steps on how to find the hidden Spyware on Android.

These includes:

  1. Irregular mobile device activity

One of the common ways to detect hidden Spyware is to check your smartphone’s unusual behavior at first. On the negative side, if you have any spyware or similar malware on your device. Your phone will stop functioning correctly. It can be easily noticeable if your smartphone is causing some error or running strangely.

Initially, you should check the unusual activities your device is performing. Your device will stop performing normal Once you install any spyware or tracker.

You can quickly identify the reason:

In case, your phone creates strange noise, gets switch off automatically, lights up on its own, there’s probably a problem.

Keep checking on apps from A to Z. Uninstall if you find any strange app, usefulness to you.

The rooted mobile device provides access to all the apps and services running in the background. The rooted mobile device provides access to all the apps and services, which are running in the background. It might create problems too. If you can identify this, unroot your smartphone

  1. Unusual Battery Discharge

The next way, how to find hidden Spyware on Android includes an unusual Battery discharge. Even if you are not using your phone, you will find a low battery issue. It might also overheat your battery.

As after using your phone, you will become familiar with the charging requirements. Similarly, you will be able to identify the problem if you are facing it.

Spyware will slowly make your battery discharge, as it runs in the background. It will pick your whole data as well. Otherwise, it may be the issue of your old battery. You can change it and check if it is the same as before.

  1. Irregular noise at the time of the call

It is customary in case of a phone call if you are facing any inconsistent sound. This might be due to Spyware or Connection error. However, if you often hear this sound; Be cautious. Maybe your calls are at recording. One of the reasons could be your network provider.

Similarly, low or dropping call sound denotes that; someone is tracking your call.

Also, check with your network provider, the reason behind the problematic issue. This is how to find hidden Spyware on Android.

  1. Random On and Off

Another method for finding hidden Spyware on Android; sometimes, your phone gets restart and shutdown randomly. At the same time, when you update your phone timely. Also, you have security software.

No Problem, you already have spyware software in your device.

Unsecure or 3rd party apps can also be the cause of the error.

Backup your device and reset, if your device acts normal. Congratulation; You have resolved it.

  1. Unusual emails and texts

To locate Spyware on Android, check whether you are receiving unusual text or emails. These spyware apps send messages using codes or symbols. Sometimes even cheap links.

Likewise, You should delete any text or mail. Nowadays, most of the android device gives you a warning regarding spam text. Besides this, you should have a stable network.

  1. High use of data than usual

The last way, how to find hidden Spyware on Android involves high usage of the internet. Despite your regular usage if data is getting highly used. Spyware usually takes a lot of data to run its apps.

You should monitor your data on a regular time.

  1. All through Idle Hours, Smartphone’s activity

This denotes when you are not around or using it. Your phone still makes irregular noises or sounds. This suggests how to find hidden Spyware on Android.

You can factory reset it, to improve this.

  1. Device Slowness

How to find hidden spy apps on Android? , Spyware enters to user’s device. By installing the software into users’ devices, through different means. It may be through spam messages or emails as well. It enters into the machine and takes the permission of all apps.

Moreover, remote alternatives are always there; you need no physical access. This is a complicated issue that involves the same methods, as online fraudulent criminals do. To stay out of these fraudulent attacks, stay alert. Don’t Open any unauthorized link or text.

How to remove Spyware from Android?

Android spyware detection and removal seems a complicated process.

Indeed, You can remove Spyware through two methods; Either Manually or through a spyware Spyware program.

In case you are aware that your phone has Spyware, you can manually try to remove it. Select the list or specific app; you are not mindful.

You should Uninstall, that particular app from your device. Do not forget to restart your android device.

To put it differently, sometimes it is not easy to remove Spyware. Likewise, you might no be aware of Android spyware file name. You will not be able to see it directly. They change their names as you are with them. Even if you find Spyware and uninstall it, it may still be left out.

It is where the anti-spyware program works.

Anti Spyware Program acts, an alternative to the Android spyware detection app.

In particular, you should not rely on Anti Virus programs to use this. To clarify this, antivirus is not the same as Spyware. A different program is needed to remove this.

It would help if you used the latest updates for your device. By doing so, your device will get ready to define Spyware. Most of the time, you will get an updated switch to get new updates.

Frequently asked questions:

How do I know if my Android has Spyware?

Random add or pop up; A common issue finds by the users. They get random and continuous pop-ups, just like advertisements.

  • Your phone might not work correctly after this. It may hang and lags in performance.
  • It will help if you block these kinds of advertisements.
  • Keep checking on the spam folder.

A straightforward way to track an android spyware file name is to check your spam folder timely.

Spyware can enter in your device through spam messages or emails. You need to identify which messages are of your use and which are dangerous.

How to locate Spyware on Android?

If you want to locate Spyware on Android, there is a way to do this.

Android device settings: allow app download and install, out of Gooogle play store.

Once you turn on this, it will give you a warning; your consent will be necessary.

You can find this in the new android build device.

Settings-> Security-> Allow unknown sources.

In addition, to avoid detection, Spyware can use generic names as well. If you are not aware of a term, do search and continue.

How do I scan my Android phone for Spyware?

In Your Homescreen, when you observe different applications. That You are seeing the first time on your screen; this is a clear indication. A spyware app takes authorization on its own. These apps are so strange that you are seeing them for the first time.

Keeps on deleting any strange app or link that is not installed by you.

In case of a doubt, the factory reset your phone.

How do I uninstall the hidden spy app?

Most of the time, People are not aware that they are facing the spyware issue.

Despite getting unusual device performance, once you discover the spy app in someone’s device. ,

Be alert in advance and follow the right measures.

There are several android apps and a lot of software to protect you. Perhaps, you don’t need an app or software for this, but its good to be safe in advance.

Does factory reset remove spy apps?

This is perhaps the most frequent question asked by many users. It would help if you kept trying with all the security measures. The factory reset measure is the last but not least. Sadly, many of the Spyware claim to survive this measure.

So, if it does not work, you should clean your device thoroughly.

Continue after refreshing.

How do I get rid of Spyware?

Spyware is difficult to catch up. The way they design it specifically; to get a place in your device, Monitors you silently. Just go through these useful Suggestions:

  1. keep an antivirus install 

There are several antivirus available, for both mobile and Computer. These antivirus can help, to some extent, in removing Spyware. This is the quickest solution, but not reliable in every case.

  1. Keep changing your password from time to time.

If you login to multiple accounts, try changing your password most frequently.Therefore,  Do not use a single password for various accounts. Keep your password as unique as possible, to be extra careful.

  1. Keep your device locked using a pattern, password, pin, etc.

Above all,  to get rid of Spyware is to secure your device physically. Always use a strong password or pattern. This is for the safety of your device physically.

  1. Timely, update your operating system.

Keep updating your operating system from time to time to avoid any spyware threat.

With proper updates your device security became strong.

  1. Factory reset your device at the end.

Suppose any of the above factors did not prove useful. The next step is to factory reset your android device.

  1. Consider creating a unique email address.

Your email address should be unique to avoid Spyware on Android.

Types of Spyware

Generally speaking, there are mainly four types of Spyware, commonly known.


It appears as standard software but controlled by a 3rd party. It can use your phone’s storage and data and send important information to a third party. On downloading, it may seem like a regular update.


Your browse history and downloads are monitors by this Spyware. Adware can store all your internal details. It enters into your device by display ads. These Spyware is for marketing services.

Tracking your purchase history, you will see the same related product with the help of this.

Tracking Cookies

Almost everyone is facing this issue. With the use of tracking cookies, all your search history is monitoring marketing services.

System control

As the name suggests, almost everything you do in your device gets monitor using Spyware.

Final Thoughts

Users can quickly identify How to find Spyware on Android. They need to be careful while permitting any of the apps. They can prevent Spyware on Android, keeping a strong password.

In conclusion, Enable two-factor authentication, update software timely to protect your device. Several sites are always there to help you, as and when required. There are several tricks hackers through which hackers can easily monitor you. In addition, It would help if you were careful by not permitting those third-party apps. This tells, how to find hidden Spyware on Android.

However, Spyware can enter into your android device, through social media or games as well. Many companies leak their user’s data online, so be careful while using social media or even playing games.

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Internet Security

Zero Day Exploit and Vulnerability Explained

Zero Day Exploit and Vulnerability Explained

What is a Zero Day exploit? 

The Zero Day Exploit, a recently discovered vulnerability that hackers can use to hack the systems. This vulnerability is very much dangerous since hackers only aware of the Zero Day existence. These Zero Day vulnerability is not being patched or made public. In contrast, others define them as Zero Day attacks that utilize the advantage of a security vulnerability on the same day as the general public came to aware of that publically. Therefore it is termed as Zero Day Exploit or the Zero Day Vulnerability.

Most of the software vulnerabilities discovered by hackers, software vendors, security companies, researchers, or users. If the hackers detect the vulnerability, it will be kept as a secret as long as others are aware of it.

When this vulnerability shared with other hackers, they started to exploit it until the software vendors come out with a patch to fix the flaw in the software. Therefore the vendor of the software has zero days to find a patch for the flaw. Therefore it is called Zero Day vulnerability. However, if the hacker exploits it before the vendor finds a fix, the attack is zero-day. Frequent operating system upgrades, other software upgrades, and changes are another reason for a Zero Day vulnerability.

Zero Day Exploit can be of any form, and it may be a URL redirection or SQL injection, buffer overflows, or any other kind.

The Zero Day Vulnerability Categories:

  •  The detection based on the signature: Using the available database of malware, and signature as the reference, it is possible to detect the threat.
  • Detection based on the behavior: the vulnerability detected based on the malware’s interaction with the existing software.
  • Detection based on the available Data: comparing with the previously collected data of exploits to analyze the system behavior.
  • Hybrid Detection: It combines all the three techniques to detect the vulnerability.

How to protect yourself from Zero Day Exploit?

You have to follow few things to defend yourself against Zero Day Exploit.

Always keep your system updated and patched to prevent exploitation. Always enable automatic updates so that you may be protected from the Zero Day Exploit. This is our best advise.

Protect your software using the best security solutions that could protect yourself from Zero Day attacks.

Always give priority mails and news from your software vendors about the security measures and patches about any vulnerability.

How to detect Zero Day Exploit?

Nowadays, Zero Day attacks are more refined, and the vendors are witnessing increasing difficulties in identifying and detecting the attacks. Therefore it is crucial to deploy the best security trained team dealing with zero tolerance with the Zero Day attacks.

Segregate responsibilities within the team members to tackle any critical situation. Train your security team with updated latest technology and tools to handle any situation. Always have a contingency plan in case of untoward incidents.

Enhance the in-depth system monitoring like detecting hooks, detecting hidden file processing, kernel, and registry integrity checks; monitoring the user actions can help you discover and protect yourself early. The Zero Day Exploit can be identified, recognizing abnormal behavior of the application program.

How Hackers create Zero Day exploits?

The hackers follow some systematic steps to create the exploits. The exploiters run the attack surface analysis in the preliminary stage. Moreover, Attack surface analysis is nothing but analyzing the source codes and binary codes of the software program.

At this stage, the attacker analyzes the system software by studying it to find legitimate entry to it with his expert skill in the codes and protocols. With the attack surface analysis, one can see the vulnerability.

If this method doesn’t any fruitful results, the attacker will use automated programs to find the Zero Day Vulnerabilities in the system software. The automated programs feed random values to the system and monitor their behavior and find the vulnerabilities very easily.

A zero Day Attack

Once they find the vulnerability, they will develop the malware than can be used to hack the system. Since most hackers are experts in practical knowledge, they will easily place a shellcode in the Zero Day vulnerability if the particular exploited system stack target has enough memory. If there is not enough memory, the hacker will inject the codes that will allow the software application to skip to the full shellcode.

The hacker effectively hides the exploit code. The hacker hides the exploit code metamorphically to function identical with the original but not traced easily. Sometimes the hacker uses the sophisticated polymorphic encryption technique to hide the rouge program.

The polymorphic Zero Day exploits are very hard to detect. Once the malware developed, the hacker delivers the malware automatically or in some other methods like phishing or fake download prompts.

Whatever the method of the exploit, different strategies and techniques developed to find them.

Though Zero Day attack prevention and detection are extremely tough, regular software updates and monitoring can reduce the exploit to a considerable amount.

Real-time monitoring and rapid response can control any sophisticated attack.

Points to Ponder:

Zero Day Vulnerability is an innate error in the software or the code; or a flaw in the way one software interacts with the other software that the vendor has not yet discovered.

Zero Day Exploit is an act of misusing the Zero Day Vulnerability to gain access to the target and misusing it

A zero day attack is an act of using Zero Day Exploit for hacking purposes. The Zero Day attack happens when the intruder is misusing the vulnerability currently unknown to the user or the software vendor.

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Internet SecurityInternet

Facing slow Wi-Fi issues? Here’s how you can increase your internet speed

Facing slow Wi-Fi issues? Here’s how you can increase your internet speed

With slow Wi-Fi, it becomes very frustrating. In spite of paying the service provider for high speed connections, we experience slow Wi-Fi. Most of our devices are dependent on Wi-Fi and hence the performance is hindered due to slow Wi-Fi. With the expansion of IoT and 5G networks, the Wi-Fi access is sure to skyrocket.

Before we look at how to increase the internet speed, we need to see what is causing slow Wi-Fi.

Firstly, the location of the router is important. The router should have a central location on the premises to ensure signal is sent out in all directions. The router should not be placed close to other electronics or metal objects as this can cause slow Wi-Fi speed.

Secondly, there may be too many people using their devices. In case you have an older router, then it can cause slow Wi-Fi speeds. Each device takes up a portion of the bandwidth and activities like watching videos become impossible. Slow Wi-Fi speeds are experienced when there are too many users and high bandwidth activities like gaming and watching videos are carried out.

Experiencing slow Wi-Fi: Let us look at the ways of increasing internet speed

WikiHow shows you how you can increase the internet speed and consistency. You will get internet speed for which you pay your Internet Service Provider. You can also optimize your internet connection for speed through fixes, software update and hardware solutions.


The first thing you need to do is to check your Wi-Fi router. You need to update the router to the latest firmware. An older router needs to be replaced by a new one that can handle IoT stresses. You can also go in for routers with boosters to increase your internet speeds. Make sure that the router is located centrally on the premises. If possible avoid hanging the router on the wall and keep it in an open area.

Switch to 5GHz frequency:

In case you need to increase the Wi-Fi speed in the room where the router is, switch from 2.4GHz to 5GHz. The 5GHz works over a shorter range as compared with the 2.4GHz frequency. The 5GHz frequency helps overcome interference and gives better internet speed.

Control Bandwidth usage:

Slow Wi-Fi is experienced if there are too many users. The users may be performing high bandwidth activities like video streaming and gaming. Bandwidth usage by certain apps also need to be controlled. This can be done by tweaking the Quality of Service settings in network administration.

External Wi-Fi antennas:

For larger areas and offices, you can go in for external Wi-Fi antennas to increase internet speeds. You can also use low-cost repeaters and extenders to increase Wi-Fi coverage and internet speeds for large areas.

Decrease the distance between the device and router:

In case of a slow Wi-Fi, try to use your device as close to the router as possible. Try to use your device where the router is visible. If the signal has to even travel through a single wall or appliance, you experience a slow Wi-Fi.

Check your Wi-Fi speed often:

There will be a fluctuation of internet speed through the day. You can check your internet speed by doing the Wi-Fi speed test. By this you will be able to figure out when the Wi-Fi is slower and analyze the difference. In case of too much traffic at a particular time of the day, you can avoid such times if necessary.


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Internet SecurityApps

How to Uninstall All Types of Bloatware on Any Android Device with This Trick

How to Uninstall All Types of Bloatware on Any Android Device with This Trick

Are you striving to learn about how to remove all the bloatware from your android device? But struggling to find out how to uninstall all types of bloatware on any android device.

Then don’t worry, in this post, I will help you out by providing a new tactic to remove bloatware on any android device. With this process, you can easily uninstall all types of bloatware on any android device.

In general, when we buy a brand new phone, the last thing you don’t want to see is the ton of waste & preinstalled programs staring at you. But, in reality, you will find a bunch of programs staring at you. These do not only act like clutter but there are not useful for most of the users as well. So, keeping them on your phone is just a waste of storage. In some case, these apps could drain your battery life as well.

How to uninstall all types of bloatware on any Android Device Tips and Tricks

Now, to get rid of these irritating apps you have to truly uninstall them but they really can’t be uninstalled. Even if we root the device also you’ll find it hard sometimes to remove these apps.

Its because these days, preinstalled apps are generally scattered across several different partitions. But, this is a traditional tactic in new versions all these preloaded apps are combined into a private app directory with some elevated permissions.

So, to hunt down all unnecessary apps in all these places you have to be a real techie. But, luckily we have a new trick which can help you remove all the bloatware. It’s a new magisk module which is developed by Val mandates for totally eradicating all apps you feel you really don’t need. The cool part, is regardless of which partition they are stored on they can be removed with this cool trick.

How to uninstall all types of bloatware on any Android Device:

To quickly uninstall all the bloatware from any android phone. You should fulfil some requirements and those requirements given below.


Magisk Installed

Root Access

These are the two requirements you need to fulfil in order to begin this process. Now, let’s get into the process of How to uninstall all types of bloatware on any Android Device.

Step 1: Quickly Install Debloater Module:

  • The first step you have to do is open up the Magisk Manage app and click on the menu button which is on the left-hand side.
  • After that head over to the Downloads section.
  • Click on the search icon in the top right-hand corner and search for “Debloater”
  • Then you will get one module popup – you should open that popup.
  • After that click on the download button and then click on “Install”.
  • Once the installation is completed then you can click on the “Close” option which is hovering at the bottom left.

Step 2: Install the BusyBox Module:

Right after installing the debloater module you have to work on installing the busybox module. In general the debloater module often users special root access command know as Busybox. If you want to make sure your app is fully functional you need to download the busybox additional module for sure.

  • So, just as you have installed the debloater module you have to download and install busybox. For that, you need to go the Downloads section in Magisk Manager to find out the busybox module.
  • You can click on the search bar and type in “Busybox” then click enter.
  • After that you will get a popup when you have to download and install the module same as previous one.
  • Once the installation is completed you have to click on the “Reboot” option which is right at the bottom of the page.
  • Restarting device can start killing that bloatware

Caution: But always remember busybox is a set of root commands which are needed in the terminal environment just to run the Debloater Magisk Module.

If you plan for using command line magisk module then you are going to be making good use of busybox. This is crucial step in this post How to uninstall all types of bloatware on any Android Device.

Step 3: Install Terminal App:

After completing the above two steps you have install the terminal app. It depends on what device you have, some of you may already have installed the terminal application by default through the developer options. The universal method across all the devices will download the termux apps from Android’s Google Play store.

But when it comes to the command line situations, no app is not widely recommended as termux. Make Sure you do follow this step in order to learn How to uninstall all types of bloatware on any Android Device

Step 4: Run the Commands:

After installing the two modules and termux app. All you have to do is open the termux app to the main screen.

Stay typing the below command and click on enter.


when you have entered this you will be prompted to do so, then click on “Grant” on the root access popup just to grant the appropriate administrator or superuser rights for the terminal app.

Once you got the superuser permission you have to type in the next command which is given below and click on enter.


This command will initiate the immediate launch of Debloat Magisk Module interface. So, that you can start removing all the bloatware from your Android Device.

Step 5: Uninstall Bloatware and Enjoy:

After completing the above process all you have to do is uninstall the bloatware. This is the best part most of the users were searching for. So, finally you can look over your entire systems bloatware and you can remove anything you really don’t want to use. On the main menu you will find out the debloater module, you will have multiple options to pick in this phase. But the main focus should be on the choice number one for this process.

How to uninstall all types of bloatware on any Android Device ShortCut

  • Now, go ahead and type “1” and click on the Enter to scan your device for all the system install apps.
  • Once you have completed the scan you will be presented with a list of all system apps which are installed on your internal storage.
  • Now, you have to go through the list in detail and you can uninstall any app you want just by typing the specific number of the app and hit enter. Ex: if you want to remove 3rd app then click on “3” and hit enter.
  • If you want to uninstall multiple apps at a time like batch uninstall then you have to type each number but always ensure you have to add a space in between each one of the number. Ex: 3 4  5 etc.

After having a look at the list and making your choice you have to press enter. Then the list of apps will appear with the information and then you will get a confirmation input as well.

  • If you check everything out then you have to type “Y” to proceed with the uninstall of bloatware from your system.
  • Once you are finished and you find no changes means you can input the command “n” when it asks if you want to return to the main menu.

Final Step How to uninstall all types of bloatware on any Android Device

Now, to uninstall carrier or OEM bloat, you have to repeat the above process, but you can choose “3” from the main menu to select the vendor’s apps. This special section will not have many apps in it but it may contain some obnoxious bloatware mainly depending on the device.

So, if you want to scrub the bloatware at a higher level from your Android device. You have to select the “System private – Apps” which is the option number 2 on the Debloater main menu.

Always be careful here since these apps are sensitive and it could easily mess things up if you don’t do the process perfectly or if you don’t know what to remove.

Soon after completing everything, the final thing you should do is reboot your device. That’s it everything is done!

Once your system reboots you should now have noticed that all your apps are uninstalled through the Debloater Module and you can find there is more bloatware on your phone.

This is all about How to uninstall all types of bloatware on any Android Device. If you have any queries regarding this topic then comment us below.


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Internet Security

Tips to Stay Away from the SQL Injection Attacks

Tips to Stay Away from the SQL Injection Attacks

Let us acknowledge the definition of SQL injection attacks before indulging into the matter. Well, the SQL injection attack can be defined as the code injection technique, which is used to attack the applications that are driven by data. With the help of SQL injection attacks, the attackers establish numerous cyber destructions like spoofing of the identity, causing repudiation, destroying data and numerous other things. Thus, it is very important for us to protect ourselves from the SQL injection attacks, if we want to ensure the protection of our data. Here are some tips to help you:

Make use of prepared statements to protect from SQL injection Attacks

Let us acknowledge the definition of SQL injection attacks before indulging into the matter. Well, the SQL injection attack can be defined as the code injection technique, which is used to attack the applications that are driven by data. With the help of SQL injection attack, the attackers establish numerous cyber destructions like spoofing of the identity, causing repudiation, destroying data and numerous other things. Thus, it is very important for us to protect ourselves from the SQL injection attack, if we want to ensure the protection of our data. Here are some tips to help you:

Make use of prepared statements

Using prepared statements is considered to be one of the finest ways to protect ourselves from the SQL injection attacks. Also, compared to the dynamic SQL series, it is pretty easy to understand. This is the time, when the SQL command utilizes the parameters rather than the direct insertion of the values in the command. By doing this, it is preventing the backend to go through the malevolent queries, which are severely harmful for the database. Thus, if the user is entering 12345 or 1=1 as its input, parameterized query will search the entire string 12345 or 1=1.

Stored procedures can be utilized as well to protect from SQL injection attacks

In addition to using the prepared statements, if you use a stored procedure, it will provide you with an extra layer of security. It will perform the essential escaping, which is required, thus the app treats the input to be functioned instead of the SQL code, which was about to executed. Well, the basic difference between the stored procedures and the prepared statements is that, in case of stored procedure, SQL is code is written and also, stored in database of the server and after that, it is called from the web app.

Validating the input of the user

Another way of fighting the SQL injection attacks is to validate the user input. Even if you are utilizing a prepared statement, make sure to validate an input at first to determine that the value is one of the accepted types, format, length or any other things. The input that can pass the validation can only be allowed to process towards the database. So, this is one of the methods to protect you from the SQL injection attack. You can consider this method as asking who is on the door before opening the door.

Limit the privileges

Limiting the privileges can be the other way of protecting one from the SQL injection attack. Well, it is recommended that do not connect to your database with an account that has root access. Well, emergency is the exceptional case. If you use an account that has the root access, there are numerous chances of SQL injection attacks. Thus, use an account that has limited privileges.

So, these are some of the tips, which you can use if you want to protect your data from SQL injection attacks.


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Internet Security

Researchers See Rowhammer based Exploits Still Possible in Android

Researchers See Rowhammer based Exploits Still Possible in Android

Rowhmmer-Based threat: a new threat for Phones

With Technology you get threats of hacking and exploiting too. It is just a one for one thing, no system is completely free form bugs, threats of hacking or other compromise of data. When one threat is removed another crops up in its place and the same goes for this one too. An upgraded version of rowhammer has been discovered called RAMpage.

This new version of rowhammer takes advantage of the data in a phone and gives malicious applications full control of a device’s data. On a normal basis no two apps can take data from one and another without the user’s permission but in this case that rule does not apply.

More about Rowhammer variant:

As mentioned earlier apps cannot get access to data that is present on other apps without permission but in this rowhammer case, bad apps use a rampage exploit to get access to information stored in other apps on the device such as your passwords and other personal information that is supposed to be confidential.

Researchers are beginning to call this new version of rowhammer, rampage and for good reason too. This exploit involves ramming memory pages in order to gain temporary access to data.

Rampage stems from Rowhammer which is not an exploit in and of itself. Rowhammer was basically a hardware problem where by an issue of the hardware used to affect a computer’s RAM. It was first discovered by researchers in 2015.

What really is Rowhammer?

Rowhammer is an unconscious side-effect that affects a system’s dynamic random access memory or DRAM for short. It causes the memory cells to leak charges and interact between themselves.

The name comes from the exploit which involves hammering at a row of memory cells to get an electromagnetic interference from adjacent rows thus gaining access to data that was not previously intended.

When the memory rows are hammered a thousand times a second, the bits flip making 0s 1s and vice versa.

What Action was taken regarding Rowhammer:

Google acted on this problem by making changes to ION memory manager which is a universal memory management system which Google added to android. The changes made to ION restricted access to physical contiguous kernel memory.

Coming back to Rampage:

Rampage involves someone exploiting ION by using a write and refresh request on the device’s RAM to flip a bit in a nearby memory row. This then allows an app to gain access to other data in other apps.

What devices are affected?

Android devices shipped with LPDDR2, LPDDR3,LPPDR4 memory are susceptible to the Rampage exploit.

What steps are taken to take control of the Rampage situation?

Researchers at VrijeUniversiteit in Amsterdam are working closely with Google to come out with a solution to rowhammer’s variant- Rampage.

According to Google they are working with the researchers and believe that this problem won’t affect the majority of their users but in spite of that, are determined to protect the users that are affected by the issue.

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AppsInternet SecurityTechnology News

Can Keep Data Fresh for Wireless Networks With New Algorithm

Can Keep Data Fresh for Wireless Networks With New Algorithm

Keeping Data Fresh with new form of Wireless Networks

Today’s day and age requires information to be transferred not only fast but also that the data should be the most current or the most freshest that is out there and often this does not happen. In order to avoid overloading wireless networks every bit of data does not get transferred on time and that means what you end up viewing may not be the most- freshest or most updated data that is out there.

It is not the question of how fast data can be transmitted in the wireless networks but that the data being transmitted over wireless networks do not get transmitted as often meaning that you are not seeing the most current version of data that is there. Take for example a car and it’s sensors, now it does not take much time for the sensors within the car to transmit data to a central processor but the age of that data will not only depend on the speed at which that data is being transmitted across channels but also on the frequency with which that data is being sent by the sensors.

How to keep information fresh on a wireless networks?

The question then arises as to how to increase the frequency of data being transferred to a central processing unit without completely overwhelming the network?

Engineers at MIT seem to have come up with an answer to this question. At present researchers at MIT say that they can apply their system to a simple wireless networks but hope that in the future they will be able to apply their findings to a much complex wireless network.

The process of keeping data fresh in a wireless networks:

In the course of their research, engineers at MIT made a simple network consisting of a central control station that would receive information from multiple nodes or in their case drones.

Using the assumption that only one node or drone could transmit data at any given time, researchers then began to decide which drone should send data at which time.

This question was answered by the team coming up with an algorithm, which calculated an index for each node, which in turn took into account factors such as the age of data, the reliability of the channel relaying information and the overall importance of that node in the wireless networks.

Nodes that are more reliable and faster are given a higher index as compared to nodes of lesser reliability and which are slower. But the index assigned to each node is not a fixed factor, this index keeps on changing and at any given time the node with the highest index relays data first.

The research team calculated a bound rate- the average age of information in a wireless network, which is the least time that has ever been achieved by any of the wireless networks elsewhere.

The researchers found that their data came very close to this bound rate and gave the freshest data possible as compared to any wireless networks that is out there.

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