
Technology News

Technology News

Physicists Created Antiferro Magnet to Figuring Out SuperConductors

Physicists Created Antiferro magnet That  Help to Figuring out superconductors


This century has seen some of the greatest revolutions in terms of development and modernisation.  We are quite fortunate to live in this era and be a part of this.  There are always new updates or discoveries that catches the eye or our minds. And it becomes very difficult to turn a deaf ear to the latest updates or discoveries. Well, recently the scientists rather the physicists had created a special type of anti-Ferro magnet which may help in developing special type of materials superconductors. The discovery is indeed wonderful and will help in a great way to shape the future of the materials that are developed with passing time.


Ever since the superconductors were developed by the renowned physicists of the world, it has been a wonder for us. This help in transmitting both heat and current without any hindrance. This all takes place at a very low temperature. The researchers were under the impression to give it a thought as how to make the same kind of materials which can possess the properties of the superconductors. Well, the research never fails as the key solution has been found in none other than the antiferro magnet. The magnets have been under the inspection and research by the physicists. They have gone ahead an extra step in order to understand the materials that have been created by the special anti-ferro magnet. This has been possible due to the extreme cold gas which is composed of the lithium in the gaseous form. The report has been published on the last journal of the Nature. They have designed in such a way that the system can now be studied. It gets frozen and this is something which can’t be achieved with the help of the normal solids. It has been possible only with the help of anti-ferro magnets. These magnets have a different spin of the electrons which are different in nature than the normal pattern.


After the experiment, the researchers and the physicists have stated that the superconductors which are resistant to high temperature contain a special type of compound named – cuprates. This might be due to the pioneering of the superconductors. The superconductors have an expulsion of the magnetic flux fields and also possess a nil resistance for electric. This only happens when it gets cooled to a certain low temperature. In this case, it was negative of 160 degree Farenheit. It is very high standard for any kind of super conductors. The temperature can be utilised in various aspects like transportation and many more. The electric power can also be generated with the help of this.



If this comes in the future, it would be a great thing as it will shape the world in a better fashion. We all have to hold our patience in order to get hold this. The researchers and developers are working very hard to come to a conclusion. There are various approaches being taken into consideration like the system. Temperature and many more.

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Technology News

Researchers Develop Extremely Sensitive Hydrogen Sensor: File Edge Technology News

Researchers Develop Extremely Sensitive Hydrogen Sensor

Hydrogen is gradually becoming a potential substitute for fossil fuels as an energy carrier. It keeps the environment clean as water vapour and heat are the only two by-products of its combustion and it can be easily produced from water using another energy source such as solar energy. But there are still a few glitches to fix before we can start exploring this new possibility. It is highly dangerous as it is not only combustible but also difficult to detect. Hydrogen easily reacts with oxygen which causes an explosion. This is the worst case scenario and apart from this, it should be ensured that minimum amount of hydrogen gets leaked into the atmosphere. It’s relatively tough to find a reliable way of detecting hydrogen gas and in order to detect even the tiniest leak, a hydrogen sensor is required. It has been discovered by researchers from TU Delft, KU Leuven and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK), that the hafnium metal is ideal for this detecting job.

Vastly Sensitive Hydrogen Sensor

It may be difficult to detect hydrogen gas, but not altogether impossible. There are optical sensors that can be used for this purpose as these are made of materials that absorb the hydrogen atoms. This process changes their reflectivity. This change can be measured and recorded, therefore providing us data about the quantity of hydrogen present at an exact place.


Prof. Bernard Dam from TU Delft stated that till now, pure form of the metal palladium was being used as an optical hydrogen sensor. But since the past recent years, researchers at Delft have shown that a gold-palladium alloy can also prove to be a better sensor. It has the benefit that it works at room temperature. However, it cannot detect low pressures of hydrogen.

Hydrogen Sensor Ease of Regulation

Published researches by people from TU Delft portray that hafnium has properties which helps in measuring. It has a unique property of optically measuring a lowest amount of six orders of magnitude in pressure.


The least amount of pressure that is measured is 10-7 atmosphere but the measurement set-up determines this. An additional advantage in using hafnium as a hydrogen sensor is that its properties alter linearly with the temperature and pressure of the material. This will make a hafnium hydrogen sensor very simple to calibrate.


However, hafnium is not a better hydrogen sensor than palladium-gold, when all aspects are considered. Hafnium material works the most efficiently only when at a temperature of about 120 degrees Celsius. Prof. Dam says by placing a thin layer of hafnium above an optical fibre after heating the fibre with the help of a warm-up LED, the problem of its temperature can be solved.

Hydrogen economy

A broad research into hydrogen is being conducted at Delft. Towards the end of last year, a device called the ‘Battolyser’ was revealed by Prof. Fokko Mulder, which merges electricity storage and the production of hydrogen into a single system. The Battolyser is a cost effective way of producing and storing hydrogen and makes the ‘hydrogen economy’ a little bit more achievable. The hydrogen sensor research signifies a valuable progress made in the same direction.

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Technology News

Drones are Getting Smaller and Smarter

Drones are Getting Smaller and Smarter

A High-tech Version of Drones.

The DJI is back with an updated technology news of Drones incorporating top notch standards to provide the users with a new version of photography, racing, selfies and many more which you associate as the sparks of your life. These high-definition videos have come with a much compact and swifter connotation to make you go crazy with all those activities that are the ultimate teasers of you. The $499 drone is capable of shooting best quality videos and can fly at a speed of 31 miles per/hr with a size range not exceeding that of a soda can and the best part is you can control it just by waving your hands in its direction.

The innovative angle that has come up with this technology news of these drones is its size as it comes in much reduced form. There are many companies which manufactures drones and they have brought in several technologies in this sphere.

The Parrot Mambo is known for its quality start up. This category of drones is not developed for racing or for taking up long distance missions as the battery has a longevity of only eight minutes for flying and thus, you can only use it for shooting balls at people attaching it with a peashooter or ferry lightweight objects in your room by associating it with a grabbler attachment. With the help of Tynker app you fed the programming of the drone on your tablet which will enable you to teach your children facts related to coding in a much interesting way and the cost is set as per your budget i.e. $120.

Parrot is counted amongst the best manufacturers of drone and it has proved its expertise by every new technology news manufacturing a wide a variety of drones; always surprising their expectators with new form and techniques. The $700 Bebob allows its users to mingle it with goggles that will enable the drone to fly for almost 25 minutes while having the experience of watching it live with the help of its HD camera.

Another drone known as the $60 Nano Qx RTF is built only to entertain its users by providing a live experience of flying. It is a bit small in comparison to other drones, but is sturdy enough to never let you down. Nano Qx RTF is preferred by all the pilots who aim to skip through all the obstacles that they face on their run way. It is aided with a remote control that helps in preventing all the injuries and damages that come up with an inadvertent blade attacks.

JetJat Ultra is again a very small drone that resides inside a big controller when you do not intend to use it. It holds a pack of 780 cameras each carrying a width of 1.7 inches. With the help of this you can stream live videos on your smartphone or on your Mota headset and it provides a much advanced technology news in terms of turning it off, just through it in the air and it will be switched off.

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Technology News

Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 Tested

Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 Tested

Chevrolet Colorado is way ahead in terms of design and style

If you love driving outside the city limits and engages in adventurous sports then Chevrolet Colorado is the rightly made for you. It comes loaded with the shock absorbers which were first designed for the Formula 1 race cars. A number of images are available online related to Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 which shows it flying over the sand dunes at the higher speed isn’t false at all. This pickup truck is a monster when it comes to achieving the tremendous tasks like flying over sand dunes, driving on a bumpy road or climbing over the rocks.

A serious off-roader comes into action

Colorado range from Chevrolet came into being in 2015 and since then it has helped in reviving the midsize pickup segment to a whole new level. This year Chevrolet has launched the ZR2 version of the Colorado which is specifically designed to navigate the challenges of the off road conditions with confidence and performance. It boasts of 31 inch high Goodyear DuraTrac tires, massive skid plates in the front and special shock absorbers. It works like a monster when driving in the off road conditions or threading the narrow passages along the way. Users will find the adjustable speed limiter a great aid while going down the hills.

Chevrolet Colorado
Chevrolet Colorado

Advanced shockers in Chevrolet Colorado ZR2

Chevrolet has procured the F1 race shockers from Multimatic which is a Japanese company known for making use of the dynamic suspension spool valve (DSSV) technology. The usually used shock absorbers comes with oil filed tube and there is a piston inside filled with holes to allow oil passage as well as covered with flexible discs. The Japanese technology helps in replacing the discs with the spools or sleeves which helps in giving a better stability to the vehicle during bumpy rides. Similarly Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 boasts of much sophisticated technology at work in its shock absorbers which makes driving a pleasant and memorable experience for the consumers.

How Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 came into being?

In the passenger vehicles segment since 2010 SUVs, pickups and the crossover SUV’s are getting huge popularity among the US buyers. The heightened popularity of these vehicles also rests on the gas prices which become quite cheaper in the recent times which make it easier for the buyers to opt for heavy duty but stylish vehicles. Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 projects itself as a serious off roader which can deal with the turmoil and demands of the path without giving any second thoughts. It does have few competitors like Tacoma TRD and the Wrangler Rubicon but nothing compares to the might of the Colorado in latest automobile.
The latest edition of the Chevrolet Colorado 2017sarts with $21,000 with rear drive and 200 hp four cylinder gasoline engine while the fully loaded variant sells at a price of $47,000 with a 181 hp four cylinder diesel engine along with a 369 pound-feet torque. Colorado is effectively a pick-up and its fuel economy is extremely reasonable with 16 mpg for city and 17 when combined with the gas. It has a 21 gallon tank which will be great for going on some extremely long trips.

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Technology News

Driverless Cars, Hypersonic Tunnels, No More Traffic Lights

Driverless Cars, Hypersonic Tunnels, No More Traffic Lights

The next revolutionary change in the transportation business will be driverless cars. The future of motility rests with these driverless cars  that will mould the way next human generation will travel. In simpler words, the vehicle will be designed in a such a way that it would not need any driver and would be efficient in detecting its surroundings and navigating without any human effort. These driverless cars, also known as robotic cars, use numerous advanced technologies to sense slight change in the surroundings like the GPS, radar, laser light etc. The techniques which are ahead on progress helps in interpretation sensory inputs to act accordingly, like identifying obstacles and pertinent signages.

The big names in the road transportation industry are accumulating their ideas and endeavour and promises to modify the future travel experiences. Tech giant Google first made the announcement of manufacturing driverless cars back in 2009. However, after miles and miles of testing in the public road, Google acknowledged its responsibility when an autonomous car hit a bus in an accident. Experts claimed that had it been driven by a human driver there would have been more risks of accidents after driving for miles and miles. These driverless cars  would be made available to the public in the next five years. This entire new concept of driverless cars technology is alluring wealthy investors like the Uber, Volvo, Google, Amazon from all over the world.

Recently Britain unveiled a robotic car known as the Robocar for fifty people involving all ultra-modern technologies. The driverless cars  did not have any space fora human driver, neither a windscreen nor a steering. It is supposed to be on race tracks for its first round of trials. This development definitely proves that what could not be thought ten years ago is turning into reality and it is expected that this massive effort would be appreciated by all.

This path breaking development does have its positive and negative aspects. Having robotic cars will reduce the traffic and accidents taking place which in turn will decrease the related costs therefore a reduction in insurance is guaranteed. Equipped with highly sensitive technology, it will elevate the mobility of the children, disabled and the poor. It has been seen that an average car takes a lot of time in parking but with this autonomous system parking is made easier. Last but not the least it will have lower consumption of fuel compared to human driven cars.

However, the acceptance of high technologies is debatable as a lot of people would need training and thorough understanding of it as it concerns a huge responsibility. The government would need to pass certain necessary rules and regulations which would take a lot time to implement. Hackers and terrorism can be regarded as deadly threats as it concerns the risk of losing private data and security. This may aid in saving time but a huge number of people would lose their jobs in the transport industry.

Nevertheless, automobiles are the symbol of power, speed and individualism and it is matter of few years that this far-reaching vision turns into actuality.

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Technology News

First Bio Pay Shop Opens in South Korea

First Bio Pay Shop Opens in South Korea

The entrance to the convenience korean store was similar to the subway ticket gate! Through the technology news found here can reveal everything about this “Bio Pay” Convenience store. At the checkout counter, instead of the employee, a ‘360-degree auto-scan Bio Pay counter’ greeted guests. Pick up the item and place it on the cashier conveyor belt. No complicated calculations are necessary to take out the cards or put cash in. When the customers put the palm only on the registered palm recognizer, the calculation was completed and the receipt was spit out. This must be very much exciting technology news that you would have read recently over online, ain’t it?

Korea Seven, which operates Lotte Group convenience store, unveiled its unenrolled store ‘7-Eleven Signature’ on the 31st floor of Lotte World Tower in Songpa-gu, Seoul. There is no staff in charge at this Bio Pay store. Seven-Eleven applied Lotte Information Communication’s ‘360-degree automatic scanning cash register’ and Lotte Card’s palm authentication payment method ‘Bio Pay’ for unattended settlement.

– Introduced unmanned payment using new type bio metric recognition for the first time in the distribution industry … No one is involved for doing calculations.

In order to enter this Bio Pay store, you must register in the Lotte Card booth in front of the store. This is to prevent theft as it is an unattended Bio Pay shop with no full-time workers.

7-Eleven officials reveals the technology news of this store says that the, “The Bio Pay store is located in the office area of Lotte World Tower, so you can register.” Currently, only Lotte Card users can register their palms.

“HandPay is a kind of Bio Pay that can be paid for as part of a person’s body, and it is the first commercially available in the world,” said Lotte Card. “Bio Pay” is easier to settle than iris recognition, It is more secure than easy fingerprint recognition. ”

In the past, the price tag of the shop that had to be reprinted every time a product was changed was replaced by an electronic LED. In addition to basic information such as product name and selling price, the electronic price list is filled with NFC and QR codes, so you can find discount coupons and detailed product information through mobile apps. The cigarette is sold through ‘smart safe cigarette vending machine’. Because it can be purchased in this Bio Pay store only through adult authentication, it is possible to block the purchase of tobacco from the youth.

There is no cashier, but there are workers who fill inventory and maintain store cleanliness. 7-Eleven officials said, “Existing convenience store employees spent 64.7% of their time on simple calculations, but I expect unattended settlement stores to focus on store management and services such as store cleanliness, product ordering and display.”

– Shin Dong-Bin’s 4th Industrial Revolution Will Reflect … Starting Unmanned Shops

The Lotte World Tower 31st floor, which has the 7-Eleven signature, is located in the office area. The store is operated by office workers who have been in Lotte World Tower. An official of Seven-Eleven said, “We will pilot the Lotte employees to compensate for any problems that may arise in the future.”

As this Bio Pay store is a test store, facilities for collecting big data were prepared. The 360-degree auto-scan counter is equipped with an object recognition solution. It is an artificial intelligence that recognizes the volume of each product by itself and automatically recognizes and learns errors when products are overlapped. Smart CCTV installed at four corners of this Bio Pay store not only monitors theft and accidents, but also provides marketing information such as the residence time of customers.

The opening of the 7-Eleven Signature is said to reflect the will of Shin Dong-bin, Lotte Group chairman. Shin emphasized the importance of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and ordered distribution innovation that combines information and communication technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). As a result, Lotte put all of its competencies in group affiliates such as Lotte Card, Lotte Information & Communications as well as Korea Seven into this Bio Pay store opening.

The event was attended by representatives of Korea Seven, Kim Chang-kwon, Lotte Card, Maengdyeong Lotte Information Communication, Park Hyun-chul, Lotte World representative, Park Young-soo,

“7-Eleven Signature is a smart convenience store equipped with IT technology and systems that are appropriate for the 4th Industrial Revolution era, and I hope to make a breakthrough in the distribution industry using Bio Pay,” said Chung Seung-in, CEO of Korea Seven

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Technology News

Google’s AlphaGo clinches series win over Chinese Go master

Google’s AlphaGo clinches series win over Chinese Go master

AlphaGo – Software Beats Top Player

From the Technology news from the most trusted source reveals a year after the surprisingly clear victory of an AI Alpha Go, the program is now to prove its abilities against the top runners of the unofficial World Cup. The signs already point to a victory of the AI.

AlphaGo can now showed against it whether the algorithm really is superior to the best human player. The Technology news says at the beginning of 2017, however, a first mysterious Go player had hit a series of professionals – including Lee Sedol – before DeepMind made public that it was AlphaGo. The developers obviously have a good reason to be able to expect a win in front of the public.

The decision is clear: Go-pro Lee Sedol has also lost the fifth and final game against the Google software AlphaGo. The victory of artificial intelligence marks a historic turning point.

The duel is decided, and it was exactly the other way round, as the human go champion Lee Sedol had projected as said by the trusted source of Technology news. He will win five games, Lee hoped before the tournament against the Deepmind software AlphaGo, at the very top the party man against computer 4 to 1 emanate. The result is correct, with only the opposite sign: In the fifth and last game on Tuesday, AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol again said a regular source from the Technology news. The 33-year-old Lee gave up after 280 trains on Tuesday.


The fourth game was the go-genie Lee, one of the best players in the world. The gameplay of the software had astonished professionals and go-fans around the world: AlphaGo is “a man would never make,” said professional player Young Sun Yoon.

According to the trusted Technology news source, we found that the result of the tournament surprised Go’s connoisseurs, but not the protagonists of reinvigorated research in the field of artificial intelligence. The reason we came to know by the Technology news that the AlphaGo is partly based on learning neural networks. Such networks are initially fed with large amounts of data – in this case, historical Go games – and then further trained. Through the Technology news we came to know that AlphaGo has played against himself for many months, apparently developing Go tactics against which the professional Lee Sedol was powerless.

In the event of a win, Lee would have won a $ 1 million prize, and now the money goes to the Google subsidiary Deepmind – the company had already announced in advance that they would donate the money for good purposes as revealed by the latest Technology news.

The success of the tournament marks a turning point not only in terms of computer-go: the fact that learning, artificial neural networks are obviously able to come independently to solving problems that people have not come to, is likely to change many areas of life, And ways in which future scientific knowledge could be achieved.

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Technology News

Behold the Luxurious BMW 8 Series Concept Car

Behold the Luxurious BMW 8 Series Concept Car

What you need to know about the BMW 8 Series

The BMW  8 Series Concept car is a perfect combination of luxury and sportiness combines with the perfect automobile technology, and gives an outlook on the new version of the new BMW 8 Series. We have all the info!

Introduction: BMW 8 Series

BMW 8 Series particularly bullish that comprises of fantabulous automobile technology. The wheel arches are strongly exposed, the exhaust pipes are reminiscent of the Lexus LC500.

BMW 8 Series _1

The taillights could come directly from the i8 and protrude at the top out of the bodywork – this should give the rear even more latitude. The new concept BMW 8 series equipped with automobile technology has comes up with the new Ducktail spoiler is quite new.

The Barcelona Gray ensures a certain elegance, looks from almost certain angles almost dull. Overall, BMW is looking for the perfect mix of luxury and sportiness. Designer Adrian van Hooydonk describes the BMW 8 Series Concept with advanced automobile technology has the three “P”: Power, Passion, Performance. It remains to be hoped that BMW will transfer as much as possible from the elegance, presence and performance of the study into the series.

Interior: Seats in the BMW  8 Series

The doors of the 8 Series Concept open gently as soon as you stroke your hand over it. Caution is advised when getting into the car: the carbon-fiber strips with the Concept BMW 8 8 Series lettering are not to be scratched. In general, this study must be treated as a raw egg. The seats with carbon ridges look like tightly screwed slat seats. However, surprise, not only drive the seats electrically in position, they are also more comfortable than imagined.

 BMW 8 Series _2

BMW relaunch the BMW 8 series! In 1989, the generation E31 came onto the market and is still considered a design icon. Just 30 years later, the luxury coupe returns. From 2018 onwards, the series version completed with amazing automobile technology will compete against the Mercedes S-Class Coupe.

The concept BMW 8 Series, presented by the Munich team, presents a very concrete outlook. BMW promises the incorporation of the fantastic automobile technology that the new BMW 8 series is to be strongly oriented on the fully-driven design study. The long-term concept shows that BMW is serious about returning to the class of luxury.

The proportions are typical BMW: In the new series greatly supported by this automobile technology has come up with the huge snout, long wheelbase, crooked silhouette and heavily exposed wheel arches. The front with the typical sharknose is dominated powerfully. They are lined with narrow headlights with laser light.

BMW 8 Series _3

The daytime running lights are hexagonal designed, as we already know from current BMW like 5s or 7s. The design concentrates on only two lines, both of which have their origin behind the air outlet. The powerful 21-inch rims fill the wheel arches well and look exactly right. Typical study are the from the full milled exterior mirror bars and the nonexistent door handles. This new series that is incorporated by this advanced automobile technology has comes up with touch screens, as used by McLaren in early MP4-12C models.

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Technology News

Google I/O 2017 Annual Developer Festival Held

Google I/O 2017  Annual Developer Festival Held

Google I/O 2017: All presentations and announcements from the developer conference

The Google I/O 2017 was took place on 17 to 19 May. In the context of this year’s developer conference, the company is expected to address Android O, Android Wear, Daydream and the Google Assistant. There may also be new information on the wedding between Android and Chrome OS.

Google I/O 2017: When and where happened?

For Google I/O 2017, Google has come up with something: instead of announcing the date and place just like the years before on the website of the developer conference, the company published a multi-part puzzle. This prompted a lively cooperation of the community, which exchanged itself on different channels and so within one day the collective found the solution.

Once again, visitors to the developer conference have to endure the sunny and sometimes sweaty weather in the Mountain View in California. As in the case of Google I/O 2016, the event also took place in the open air in the Shoreline Amphitheater in 2017.

Google I/O _1

Google I/O 2017: What to Expect

Android O, Chrome OS and Andromeda?
There are a number of issues that Google I/O 2017 might address. So far, there has been no concrete information on the next Android version. In addition, there is at least the possibility that Google will ultimately adopt the union of Android and Chrome OS, which has been broadcast for quite some time. Under the codename Andromeda, this project has already participated in surmisals several times.

Google I/O _3
Google Lens: Google makes the smartphone camera wiser
The great program called Google Lens gives smartphone cameras the ability to recognize and process image content. The feature is to be integrated into the assistant and the gallery app photos, bringing end-users closer to Google’s AI efforts.
Google presented the new feature Google Lens at its developer conference Google I/O. Google Lens is intended to enable smartphone cameras to interpret the captured images, to give information and to process them. The Lens program thus represents another step in Google’s work to incorporate artificial intelligence into its services.
Daydream VR
A similarly hot prospect like Android O should be Daydream. The VR platform on the I / O 2016 is still in the children’s shoes. However, Google makes no secret that the Group is very interested in the success of the project. According to a rumor, Google is even working on a high-end headset for VR, similar to the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift.

Google I/O _4
Google Assistant and Home
Under the current trend, countless digital assistants sprout from the ground. A pioneer of this field, however, is Google, which intends to keep this role presumably. It would be a little surprising if the Google Assistant received a few new tricks in the context of the Google I/O 2017. Perhaps the service even ends up in the Play Store and is accessible to all Android devices. Because the assistant is only limited, says: Pixel-exclusive.
Google Home is also likely to come up. A direct successor of the Alexa competitor would probably be too early, but at least a few new features are not absurd. In addition, Google could launch a dot-like extension.
Android Wear and Auto, Google Allo and Duo
Finally, a few bouncers, which Google mentioned on the Google I/O 2017, but big announcements rather unlikely are: This includes Android Wear, whose second version despite announcement on the I / O 2016 only in February 2017 comes out, Android car , Which is not yet on the market, and last but not least promising services of the past year, but functionally lagged behind expectations – yes, this is mainly Google Allo.
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Technology News

Android O will Make Your Battery Longer

Android O will Make Your Battery Longer

The New Android O

An essential part of our daily lives, people use smartphones to connect to the outer world to gather knowledge by surfing internet, social media platforms, check mails etc. In other words, it has made our life a lot easier. Android is the most popular mobile platform owned by Google which comes with all the advantages provided by the company and is pre-installed in smartphones and tablets. It allows the users to access google services like YouTube, Google maps, Google search engine, Gmail etc. Android technology has definitely made converted our phones into mini computers.

Android O, Google’s new software, is official now. Nougat will be succeeded by Android O. Google has worked to bring out important changes that will have new functionality to the smartphones and tablets. Some of the new features of  Android O include –

  • The Android O software, designed in such a way that it will restrict the apps which runs on the backdrop when not in use, therefore increasing the battery life of the phone making it last longer.
  • We need to deal with a lot of mess, making us confused, when we are notified from multiple apps, sometimes about unnecessary things and at times it can really be distracting. The new Android O software comes to the rescue as one of the feature includes grouping of notification. It will launch a snooze button that will help in case of meetings and will assist in prioritizing certain alerts of events over others depending on their importance.
  • Another characteristic of the new software which can prove to be hugely popular among users using various online video sharing and streaming media websites is the picture in picture (PiP) method. In simpler words, the user can continue watching videos while operating any other app without pausing the video clip. A minimized video window will appear on the screen of your device.
  • Google has also added programs that are capable of assisting in the upgradation of the accuracy of the audio output that is played through headphones or speakers.
  • There will be no notable changes regarding the design but the app icons may slightly look different – the shape and size may vary.

Like the previous versions of Android O, it is expected that Google will name this new software after something sweet. The senior vice-president of Android has made cryptic references from which it can be concluded that Oreo is the current forerunner. The current version Nougat followed Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, Kitkat, Lollipop and Marshmellow.

The new software of Android O is available after its initial stages of development for downloading. However, the programs of this software are still worked upon so it is advisable that non-developers should not download it as it may damage the device wiping all the data. The second developer preview is scheduled to be out soon which will be of beta quality.

Android O will be available first on Google devices like the Nexus and the Pixel and then will roll out to brand new models from other brands. As the most used and favored Android platform Google needs to deliver the features that it’s millions of users want and hope for a positive review. The new handsets may come into the market by the end of the year.

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