
Technology News

Technology News

What’s Holding Back Self Driving Cars? Human Drivers

What’s Holding Back Self Driving Cars? Human Drivers

Self Driving Cars on Hold

As technology is progressing with years, self driving cars are becoming the new topic of discussion for automotive engineers and the like, across the globe. Robotaxis will soon become the talk of the town, driving along with human driven cars. The development however is slow, hectic, expensive but worthwhile.
Self driving cars are programmed in such a way that they run at a particular speed limit, which is lesser than the human driven car speed limit. They are well mannered robots, manufactured and programmed to drive around cities, curbing accidents as well as traffic. For example, Los Angeles has a system in which drivers pass by stop symbols if there is no traffic, whereas in rush hours in Ann Arbor, Michigan, they cross double yellow lines to queue to left-turn on a freeway. Humans basically know when obey rules and when not to, according to their convenience.

Co-existing together:

For human driven cars and robotaxis to function together, years of research and modulation will be required, according to programmers. Human behavior and traffic have to co-exist in harmony for the success of self driving cars. This would lead to expensive developments and that will take time. Human psychology too governs driving cars, so the programming has to be top notch for the success of self driving cars.

Every country has their own driving norms and traffic jams and rules. What a European road would look like would be very different from that of an Asian road. Then comes the problems of aggressive drivers and one example would be the reckless driving style of Indian drivers, casually changing lanes according to their convenience.
According to Kathy Winter, the vice president of driving solutions of Intel, by the year of 2030 automated Self driving cars will be able to mimic human intelligence. Sensor driven cars are gathering information of roads as well as behavioral patterns of drivers to create a huge database to use for the programming of the Self driving cars, this would involve Artificial Intelligence.The process is time consuming and expensive but someday there is hope of even beating Beijing’s traffic with these cars.
Self driving cars will soon develop to have common sense installed in its system. Carnegie Melon University has nobly come up with the idea by which cars can adapt to handle the ‘Pittsburgh left’ by waiting an entire second for a turn to clear before moving after green light. Such sensors will also figure out whether to stop or go for green or red light, establishing a communication of the vehicles to avoid accidents.
Even though there are lot of speculations about this and skeptical judges criticizing it, the technology has a very bright future in the Automobile Industry. With years, as Artificial Intelligence reaches newer heights, there will be simplification for the programmers to speed up the development of self-driven cars.

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Technology News

The Latest Concept for NASA Mars Rover is 28 Foot-Long Six-Wheel-Drive Batmobile!

The Latest Concept for  NASA Mars Rover is  28 Foot-Long Six-Wheel-Drive Batmobile!

A Batmobile based conceptual design for NASA Mars Rover has been developed

If you are a big fan then must be aware of his love for gadgets and each new movie tends to add more to its repertoire. Just assume that Batman has to take a trip to Mars in search of life then he has to make some extreme changes to its batmobile in order to withstand the cruel climate of the red planet. Parker Brother Concepts has just the same by taking this concept into building a full fledged concept car i.e. Mars Rover which will help in exploring the Mars in a unique fashion and just having a look at this car feels like something has popped out of the pages of a comic book.

Working with NASA

Parker Brothers Concepts has built this Mars Rover in partnership with the NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. This rover is a six wheeled fully –electric vehicle which modeled upon the batmobile present in the recent Dark Knight movies. NASA has helped the Parker Brother Concepts in understanding the exquisite requirements for building a craft fit for the Mars terrain.

This batmobile can reach up to a top notch speed of 112 kmph which is a remarkable feat in itself. It has a length of 28 feet and weighs about 2300 kg and it has been specifically designed to withstand the gruesome challenging conditions of the red planet.

Mars Rover _2

Features of the Mars Rover

This batmobile concept Mars Rover appears a giant beast with huge metal body but in reality it boasts of a number of unique features. Developers have stated that this is a ‘dual purpose vehicle’ which can be separated right from the middle to acts as two different vehicles. While separating the Mars Rover vehicle from the middle it bring the driver and assistant part present in the frontal area to get removed from the primary design and it can be used for the exploration missions as well. The remaining body of the Mars Rover vehicle having rest of the crew can setup their mobile lab for carrying out the essential research in the mean time.

Developers and officials at NASA are planning to showcase this vehicle across the major cities of US in upcoming months. This will be part of the NASA’s promotional event for the Mars which will also include a number of astronaut training regimes being conducted at the Kennedy Space Center.

A moment of rejoice for the Batman fans

It is a great moment for the comic books lovers and batman fans as well as the sci-fi enthusiasts to get a closer look at the batmobile inspired Mars rover. Apart from the city tours the developers has also revealed that this concept rover will feature in a new reality television series which is in filming at the moment. It is worth noting that this vehicle is prototype version which has the potential to serve as the baseline for future ambitious designs for the Mars rover but it doesn’t mean that the Dark Knight will be using it to fight across the red planet.

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Technology News

Man Thanks iPhone Siri for Saving His Life

Man Thanks iPhone  Siri for Saving His Life

Siri saves a man’s life during fire by calling the authorities

Siri is one of the most widely used and apparently smart digital assistant for the smartphone but this time around it has shown its awareness and intelligence by saving a man’s life. iPhone Siri has saved the life of man who was injured in a house explosion. On May 1, this man named Christopher Boucher, is a resident of New Hampshire found himself in midst of a house explosion which left him with extreme burns. Due to the burns he was unable to dial 911 then he made use of the  Siri to contact who eventually end up in saving his life in the nick of the time.

How this unfortunate event unfolded?

Later investigations have revealed that on May 1 Christopher Beaucher has gone upon checking is mother’s vacant cottage which is present in Wilmont. Beaucher has found something suspicious in the house while checking it and as he turned on the light to look upon the house went into the flames with an explosion. With this explosion a major part of the structure collapsed leaving his hands and face badly burned.  Beaucher was lucky enough to crawl out of the debris and fire raging through the house. He went to his Land Rover retrieved his phone but he was unable to dial the numbers as his fingers and face was burned badly. So he asked the iPhone Siri to call 911 and it obliged. Beaucher was going into the shock and the finesse with which Siri has made the call to the authorities has been influential in saving the life of Beaucher,


Siri emerges as hero

Beaucher has given the credit to  Siri for saving his life and he considers himself extremely lucky. This is the first time Siri has been thanked or played a vital in saving someone’s life by doing the needful in an efficient fashion which it is known to perform at all times. The praise given to the Siri is commendable but even Beaucher resolve and quick thinking in making use of Siri shouldn’t be seen as a small effort as he was going into the shock. Apple devices are known for incredible security features but they can bring security to the ‘life’ is never seen before it is quite enthralling to read as well.

Currently Beaucher is undergoing treatment for burns suffered during the fire at the Massachusetts hospital. He is expected to recover very soon to join his job as a cook at the New London Inn as well as he will spend his remaining time in tending the small farm. An account on the GoFundMe has been set up in order to recover the cost of the treatment for Beaucher. Authorities are still investigating the reason behind the explosion and it is worth noting no one else was at the house at that time. This house was up for sale during the time of the incident which ensured no one else is harmed at all.

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Technology News

Google Project: Google DeepMind

Google Project: Google DeepMind

In a research report, Google DeepMind has presented a new artificial intelligence that learns to use its own memory. The researchers describe how their “differential neural computer” (DNC) used information to answer complex questions – similar to a human being.

The Google DeepMind team has published its research results in the scientific journal Nature. This shows that DNC has been equipped with an external storage unit and has itself been used in the trial-and-error method typical of regular neural networks. The paper states: “When a DNC issues a response, we compare it to an intended correct answer. Over time, the control unit learns to generate responses that are closer and closer to the correct answer. In the course of this process, she learns to use her own memory. ”

In their experiment, the scientists fed their AI with the full London metro timetable. Then she could answer complex questions by incorporating the stored information into a deductive thought process.

In view of the increasing demand for computing power and cooling, the insights gained at Google are seen as a small revolution. Certainly because it had now proved the power of DeepMind – one of the best Google Projects which is in practice. In the experiment, the team of the AI had to make certain specifications at the beginning. For example, which functions are required when and how.

The results are impressive and illustrate the evolution that artificial intelligence is currently undergoing. Google DeepMind offers much greater performance than machine learning. The artificial neural networks are able to condition their thinking processes. For a look, the Google researchers lastly provided with their AlphaGo AI, which was able to defeat the Go World Champion Lee Sedol.

In the game Gathering, the two AI systems had to collect as many apples as possible. Players can also bombard enemies with a laser. If a player hits, the opponent is removed for a while. The first player then has no competition in the collection. An aggressive approach could therefore be promising in the game of Google DeepMind.

The Ai agents of Google DeepMind reacted quite humanly: They learned that bellicose behavior is appropriate when resources, ie the apples, are scarce. As long as there were enough apples, the systems were content with collecting.

However, if only a few apples were available, the AI players would rather take the laser to beat the opponent one and put him out of action. “A less aggressive behavior results from a learning process in a relatively rich environment with fewer possibilities for complex measures,” the researchers write in an essay.

The image changed when a more powerful AI which is one of the Google Projects came into play that could use more complex strategies. She tended to shoot at the enemy, no matter how many apples were still there.

As with the first, the AI players of Google DeepMind also learned about this in the course of the second game. In contrast to Gathering, the more powerful AI systems had noticed that cooperation was the strategy that led to success. The greater ability to use complex strategies has led to more practices between the AI agents, the researchers say.

The behavior of the AI agents in Google DeepMind therefore varies depending on the situation in which they are: If the agent has more success through aggression, he is aggressive. If cooperation appears the better variant, he cooperates. Through their study they are now able to summarize the researchers.

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Technology News

Google Project: Project Jacquard

Google Project: Project Jacquard

The technology used in the Project Jacquard assures that it is really convenient, more sophisticated than any other Google Projects! This one is the best of all existing Google Projects that is really awesome to discuss. At the developer conference Google I / O, the Internet company will show how technology and clothing can get united to offer us the exciting and elegant experience in the upcoming future. In the Project Jacquard, Google researchers are working to make fabric as touch-sensitive like a touchpad. Google has now publicly shown the possibilities for this through a project name Project Jacquard.

At first sight, the long fabric looks like any other standard fabric. But when you look closely, you can able to recognize in a few places a fine tissue like textures. When you slide over finger over it, I feel its special structure – and it has the effect of a touch screen in the fabric. As the first partner of Google’s project named Project Jacquard, Levi’s wants to make its clothes smart. Users should be able to use their smartphones via shirts and trousers.

Example 1: A smartphone can be connected to your stylishly worn tuxedo. If you tap that special fabric, you can start and stop the music playback of the device. With a finger to the left or right you can jump from one title to another. Wipe up or down, you adjust the volume.

Example 2: Light bulbs hang over the table – you tap on the fabric, you can turn it on or off. With wiping up and down you can change its color, by finger swiping left and right you can adjust the brightness.

The electrically conductive threads woven into the conventional fabric make it possible. The goal of Google is to create fabrics that can accept commands like touch screens, but can also be made and washed like conventional fabrics.

Levi’s wants to process smart fabrics in collaboration with Google as the clothing company announced at the I / O developer conference in San Francisco. Levi’s is thus the first partner of Google’s project named as Project Jacquard. Under this name Project Jacquard the search engine giant wants to bring interactive substances onto the market. This allows users to accept calls via touching the shirt sleeves and to operate their smart devices through their clothes through conductive yarn and sensors that are embedded intelligently. Gestures and touches are thus to be recognized and sent as commands to their smartphones.

With the project Jacquard, Google wants to offer designers and developers the possibility to integrate connected, touch-sensitive textiles into their own products. Paul Dillinger, Head of Global Product Innovation at Levi’s, explains, “In our digital world, people are continually struggling to be physically present in their environment while remaining digitally connected. Through this wonderful Google Projects and Levi’s under the Project Jacquard provides one Completely new value for customers.

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Technology News

Google Project: Google Open source

Google Project: Google Open source

The Google open source obtains a new prospect in the world of Internet. The company will integrate its activities, on the far side of the literal codification and this can be viewed in

Google influence this through a blog where Will Norris from the Open Source Programs Office also consistently proclaimed the commencement of the website.

Will Noriss, the chief of the Google Open source programs consistently proclaimed the commencement of its website.

In this excellent website we can come across an summary of Google open source projects and also offer information on substantiated organizations.

The fantabulous learning software called Tensorflow, the cluster networking software Kubernetes and the Go Programming Language are the few examples that have been emerged from the Google open source programs.

More auspiciously it had acquainted a new program called as Remixer that comprises of the libraries and etiquettes that permits the mutuality of arrangement values and live flawlessness of apps during the devolution procedures.

Remixer which is one of the Google Project permits us to easy delineate UI covariant in an app that can be attuned while it is spouting. This can aid us and the aggroup to ingeminate very apace on plan issuance because we do not demand to make or even resume the app to view the modification reverberated.

It is the most engrossing tool that Google is making over, because it proceeds with the content as well as tools that technologists have used to ingeminate on their piece of work and offers them to more ingenious people. It is besides the kind of thing that may have made the own Brand name brush up procedure a little easygoing.

This wonderful Google Project is acquirable in three different programs (Android, iOS and JavaScript) as well as all of them assist setting up a Remote that permits us the modified protean from a web control panel.


A Remixer multivariate is having a unparalleled key connected with it, and can be of type Boolean, Colour, Figure or Series.

Protean assistance being stage-struck to a controlled set of values to offer us better activity of what can adapted. Designative variables could also be re-formed as round-the-clock or distinct ambit.

Web Remote Controller

Remixer from Google Open Source can be premeditated to exchange a Remote Controller. In this manner the variables can be denaturised from right the app, countenance us to get together with different people and support the UI free of sheathing. Ensure to check up on the Remote Controller repo to find out more about this attribute.

The Remixer the best of Google Project countenance app Creator to make over paradigm of apps that you can move with straight off — thus you can both demonstrate the plan and alter it on the gadget/ website. There is also Level, that paces up the modelling procedure and permits app creators to examine as well as exhibit movement in the apps at much earlier levels.

It is nerdy in an intriguing way, permitting specialists as well as app creators to get go playing around with how their programs will appear and work way earliest in the procedure than before.

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Technology News

Google Project: Project Tango

Google Project: Project Tango

Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects Group (ATAP) has developed the prototype of a smartphone that scans the environment using 3D sensors to create a three-dimensional model. The results are intended to further advance the trend themes of indoor navigation and augmented reality. At a press conference in the US, Lenovo announced that it would be really good if there was a Project Tango for the Moto-Z smartphones. This is consistent with Android Central, Engadget and PC Mag. It was rather an utterance that such a product should be offered. The Phab 2 Pro is developed at Lenovo in a different department than the Moto smartphones. A further example, which has been shown by Google for a long time, is the selection of furniture that can be placed virtually in the home or in a house. Also in the games area, Project Tango offers with its AR-possibilities numerous uses.

Known as, Google’s $ 2.9 billion sale of Motorola Mobility to Lenovo has kept a small special group, the Advanced Technology and Project Group, headed by former DARPA director Regina Dungan. After the project ARA, this presented another interesting smartphone concept called Project Tango which is one of the best Google Projects.

Project Tango is an Android smartphone with a 5-inch touch screen, which can capture a three-dimensional map of the environment using three cameras. The sensors are designed to perform more than 250,000 measurements per second, thus creating a room in real time and correlating with their own position. The prototype runs on Android and has some development interfaces for passing on position, orientation, and depth to standard apps for Android, written with Java, C / C ++, and the Unity Game Engine. However, according to Google, prototypes, algorithms and APIs are still under development.
As program manager Johnny Lee for Project Tango presents in a Google + post, Tango which is one of the best Google Project is intended to offer mobile terminals a human-like concept of space and movement. This is intended to allow users to create a 3D model of the apartment by simply walking around, which later helps with the purchase of furniture. It is also conceivable to provide indoor navigation as a service for strangers or visually impaired persons with the help of the generated data. When shopping in the supermarket, customers could search for a product and then navigate to the appropriate shelf.

Although Google ATAP has been working on it for a year, the Project Tango is still at an early development stage and is initially only available to a limited number of developers. According to Google, many of these first 200 Project Tango devices are going to companies that are active in game development, data processing, navigation and mapping. However, the company has put aside some prototypes for “applications that they have not yet thought about”. Interested parties can submit their application by the 14th of March at During the course of the year Google wants to present information on algorithms and APIs, Project Tango will surely also be an important topic at the Google I / O developer conference in late June.

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Technology News

Google Project: Research at Google

Google Project: Research at Google

The Research at Google has created the most efficient Google’s HR team start out to reply this inquiry using data as well as exact synthesis: What is the secret that makes the Google team ..the most effective? Read on…

During the past half a decade, Research at Google that makes itself the best open proselytizer of how studying persons can transubstante fecundity that became convergent on building the consummate aggroup.

Ten years ago, Google has been played out with millions of dollars to create the best Google Project to mensurate almost all prospects of lives of its employees. Its operations administrative division has size up everything from how ofttimes specific people dine conjointly (the most amentaceous employees incline to build ample system by circumvolving dining friends) to which attributes the top grade managers share (startling, good communication as well as obviating micromanaging is pettifogging; more lurid, this was word to a lot of Google managers who are performing Research at Google). Its top executive directors long considered that to structure the foremost teams meant combine the most excellent people. They clenched other flecks of customary cognitive content as well, like ‘‘It is healthier to set persons unitedly,’’ said, a managing director in Google’s People Analytics division

Over the past two years they have demeanour a lot of interviews with their workers as well as looked at a lot of 250 abstractions of 180+ progressive Google teams who performs Research at Google. They were very much assured that they would explore the clean mix of respective dimensions and acquisitions that are essential for a prima team — For the best example, The Rhodes scholar team that contains two extraverts an engineer who rocks.

The secret behind the successful google team that performs Research at google lies with these five key dynamics

  1. Psychological safety: the members of the team feels totally innocuous to take perils and be vulnearable in front of other team members
  2. Dependability: the members of the team that are at great Google Project get done things on time and consult google higher executives for excellency
  3. cognition and lucidity: The member team have clear goals, its roles and plans
  4. Meaning of work: The work is impersonally crucial to members of the team
  5. Effect of work: This great team believes that their work truly matters and creates great positive changes

This great team members that Research at Google do not keep themselves otiose with their data they acquired. They act. So they make over a instrument called the gTeams exercise: – they check on the five dynamics, a study that sum up how the group is doing, a live oral communication to talk about the outcome, and bespoke developmental rootages to assist teams better. During this year, nearly 3,000 Googlers among 300 teams have made use of this tool. Among those Google teams that Research at Google, pick out a new unit criterion — like embark on each team meeting through shares a perils taken in the past week — developed 6% on psychological condition ratings as well as 10% on cognition and pellucidity ratings. They said that having a hypothesis around team potency as well as a forcing utility to talk about these kinetics was lacking antecedently and by far the most impactful part of the content.


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Technology News

Green Energy is Possible with Tellurium

Green Energy is Possible with Tellurium

Researchers around the geoscientist Bram Murton have found large quantities of rare earths in the deep sea. The deposit is located about 480 kilometers from the coast of the Canary Islands. It is a gigantic submarine, which could be made of the semi-metal tellurium – 1000 meters below the surface. The first five centimeters of the crust are said to contain about 50,000 times more of the rare earth than any deposit on land.

The discovery story of the element tellurium took place in the last two decades of the 18th century. The Austrian chemist and mineralogist Franz Joseph Mueller von Reichenstein observed a lower gold yield than expected in 1782 on gold rulers from Sibiu, Romania. The additional minerals contained were believed to be antimony sulphide or bismuth sulphide, which, however, excluded Muller von Reichenstein on the basis of his experiments. He suspected a new metal, which he gave the names “problematic metal” and “paradoxical gold”.

The questions were clarified only about a decade later, after the Berlin chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth had received the rehearsals. He succeeded in the extraction and first re-presentation of the new element. In 1798, however, Klaproth acknowledged Miller von Reichenstein as the discoverer, but named the element himself with the “Tellurium” borrowed from the old Mother Earth (lat. Tellus).

Tellurium is a very rare occurrence on earth. The proportion of the earth’s crust is only 0.001 ppm or 1 gram per thousand tons of rock. This makes it even rarer than gold. It is sometimes found in elementary form, but mainly in the form of tellurium minerals, of which the calaverite (gold ditelluride, AuTe2), the sylvanite (a mixed silver / goldtelluride, (Au, Ag) 2Te4) and tellurite (tellurium dioxide, TeO2).

The frequent socialization of the tellurium with ores of the noble metals copper, silver and gold ensures its enrichment in the production process. In the production of refined copper by the electrolytic refining of raw copper, tellurium is deposited in the anode sludge as water-insoluble precious metal stellurides M2Te (M = Cu, Ag, Au). Only 180 tonnes of tellurium are produced every year.

The rare semimetal is interesting for use in ultra-efficient solar cells. How harmful the degradation is to the environment can not be said yet.

Geoscientists have discovered large quantities of rare metal tellurium in an underwater reservoir off the coast of the Canary Islands, reports Technology Review in its online edition (“More green energy thanks to metals from the deep sea”). A mountain, 1000 meters in depth, is said to have a larger tellurium content in its crust than any deposit on the dry land.

Tellurium can be used in particularly efficient solar cells. The dilemma when drilling the deposit is now whether the related risk to the environment should be addressed. Such deep-sea fuels have aroused appetite for several years. China would very much like to promote metals under the Indian Ocean – and is about to start the corresponding processes.

For deep-sea mining, demand for rare earths and precious metals is growing steadily. They are used in numerous electronic devices, in electric cars and in technology for the production of renewable Green energy. The dismantling is by no means ethically clean – the issue of “conflict metals” as well as the poor working conditions in Africa, for example, are driving the industry out.

The promotion of deep sea water could provide a remedy here and still be extremely lucrative for the sponsoring companies. With the silvery shine and the sharp edges are crystals of tellurium of selected beauty. They let us think it was a metal. However, the crystals are soft and brittle. They are easily crushed to powder. If the electrical conductivity is determined, the electrical resistance decreases with increasing temperature, which is the typical behavior of a semiconductor and not of a metal.

The crystal structure of the tellurium provides an explanation for this. There are spiral chains of tellurium atoms with short distances within the chain of 284 pm. Each tellurium has four neighbors from adjacent spiral chains, each of 350 pm. Taking into account all six neighbors of each tellurium.

In the noesis structure, tellurium shows its character as a main group element. The formation of the two short, localized bonds of each tellurium atom prevents the metallic conductivity. On transition to the liquid phase, above the melting point of 450 ° C., the conductivity increases by a factor of 15. In the molten state, the bonding and electron localization is no longer present.

Tellurium treasure in the sea

Tellurium is extremely important for the green energy sector. The semi-metal is found in some of the most efficient solar cells on the planet. The fact that the rare earths – as the name implies – occur in relatively small quantities and can only be promoted with comparatively great effort makes the solar power generators more expensive. The new deposit in the deep sea could partly change this: at least 2670 tons are to be taken from the sea, which is a twelfth of the world’s production.

Growing demand for rare earths

For deep-sea mining, demand for rare earths and precious metals is growing steadily. They are used in numerous electronic devices, in electric cars and in technology for the production of renewable energy. The activity is by no means ethically clean – the issue of “conflict metals” as well as the poor working conditions in Africa, for example, are driving the industry out. The promotion of deep sea water could provide a remedy here and still be extremely lucrative for the sponsoring companies.

However, no one knows what impact the deep sea promotion could have on the underwater life. They could be very negative. An analysis of deep sea degradation work carried out recently showed that even test bores can damage marine ecosystems.

Maritime mining with consequences

Larger projects could be even more problematic. If the natural processes in the deep sea are disturbed, this could have a negative impact not only on the marine population, but possibly even on the influence of weather patterns.

Business and research: the question of what is more important is to reduce the resources needed to produce significant amounts of green energy? Or do not touch nature and avoid potentially major damage to our oceans? Whether the purpose here sanctifies means is not yet settled. What is clear is that there is a great potential under the ocean.

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Technology News

Google Project: Google Calico

Google Project: Google Calico

It is probably the most ambitious Google project: exploring eternal life, healing from death. The company Calico which is one of the best Google Project was founded.

The cure of cancer is a task that is too small for Larry Page. The Google founder, 42 years old with a strong graying head, has made something bigger. He wants to stop aging. Death. “One of the things that I find astounding is the fact that you add about three years to the average life expectancy of humans when you solve cancer,” he philosophized in an interview with the magazine Time.

The man who sorts the information of the world sees himself as a visionary. He invented Google with his co-founder Sergey Brin in 1998 to make knowledge accessible to the masses. Google is aware of our data, our worries, and the greatest humanity: death. The life expectancy has doubled since 1840 and increases every four years by one year. But it remains that after a few decades our end is waiting. A pill against aging has not yet invented. The company has developed this knowledge. And as old as the fear of death is the dream of eternal life, in which death is not unavoidable, but curable as a disease.

In 2013, Google established a subsidiary named California Life Company, Calico which one of the best Google Project. “We are going to age, one of the biggest puzzles of life,” is the mission of the company, of which no one knows exactly what it is doing. So far, Calico – the best google project was a Google daughter, now she is a Google sister. Page is now rebuilding the Group and is sorting all business areas under a holding called Alphabet. Google is one of the holding companies, Calico is one of the best google project, as well as companies that deal with topics like self-propelled cars or the supply of the world with Internet access via drone. They should all be under the alphabet roof more freedom and independence than before. And if they write high losses, that does not hurt the business figures of Google. Page has baptized these side projects “moon shots” – moonflights – because they are so visionary. And with hardly one of the Moon Shots is about as much as with Calico – the best google project.

For a long time, a serious struggle had been made to convince scientists of the feasibility of the cure of death, the biomedical researcher and researcher Aubrey de Gray writes in an essay. “Since Google’s decision to use its astronomical resources for a targeted attack on aging, this struggle could be overcome: if financial restrictions are eliminated, Griesgrame will no longer play a role.” Page has brought the best researchers together for its largest Moonshot Calico. Above all the molecular biologist Arthur Levinson, called Art, one of the pioneers of the Silicon Valley and today the supervisory board of Apple. He is the boss of Calico – an excellent google project.


The 65-year-old is a respected person and a genius in the field of biotechnology for physicians, scientists and technicians. Even as a child, he became enthusiastic about physics and astronomy, later studied biochemistry. In 1980, he joined Genentech as a biotechnology company, where he headed the company’s drug discovery business and was then almost 20 years in the board of directors and later on the company’s board of directors. New and breakthrough therapies have been its hallmark, such as the cancer drugs Avastin and Herceptin. The funds are tailored to the genome, have a specific effect. The medicines are being marketed by the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche, which Genentech took over in 2009 and is still benefiting from Levinson’s research potential.

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